Page 57 of Wings of Deception
“They aren’t retreating.”
“Where are they going?” I don’t doubt his words for a second. Not after all the research he’s done on these creatures. He’s the expert in this situation. We watch as all the demons, airborne and on the ground, converge toward one location. The ring of trees surrounding the well.
“I think they’re targeting the biggest threat.”
My stomach drops as I push my mental energy toward the area. No … it can’t be.
“Hayliel’s there,” I whisper. Sound fades into the background until I can only hear the blood rushing through my veins. Like a shot, we both take off. Are we fools for rushing toward a swarm of angry demons? Probably. But we’d follow our angel to the pits of fucking Hell. No one will take her from us.
We run and run, pushing ourselves hard to reach the well, not daring to fly with so many of the creatures there. At this rate, though, we’ll never make it in time.
Something inside of me splinters at the thought of her alone against such a massive horde, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I can’t save her. I suck in a lungful of air and call out to her, needing her to know she’s not alone.
Thecityisquietas I leave the Guild after a rather grueling day of admin tasks. As an intern, it’s required that I assist members with varying degrees of tasks so that I can fully understand what being part of the Guild truly means.
Not that I hate paperwork, but with so much shit going on, it seems almost pointless. We’re constantly responding to demon sightings or attacks, but it’s like they’re always one step ahead of us. Who the fuck cares about filing when there’s something far greater that needs our attention.
Of course, I don’t tell my lieutenant that. I’m not an idiot. Any sign of complaint and he’ll ensure I have that task andonlythat task for weeks, so I put my head down and keep my lips zipped. That little plan worked out in my favor because I’d finished early and was allowed to leave. From the sheer number of Guild members rushing about, I must have been the only one not assigned more tasks. It’s my lucky day.
The sun beams down on my black wings as I soar through the sky, relaxing me as I fly toward the campus. It looks different from up here, less shiny and perfect than I remember.
It’s only when I fly a little closer that I realize why. SCU is under attack!
Tucking my wings, I dive toward the ground until I’m about to faceplant. Only then do I spread my wings again. I land outside the front gate, my feet slapping the pavement with a sound so loud, I hope to fuck I don’t attract any demons. There’ll be time to fuck them up, but first I have to get the Guild here ASAP.
The Guild uniform has a mini slate built in that attaches to an earpiece. It’s a clever little gadget and saves us from carrying around the larger slates that might slow us down. As long as the small devices don’t get hit directly, they work perfectly.
I dial the on-duty lieutenant line first, hoping to hear Azrael’s voice, but no one responds. After a few more calls to him go unanswered, I try the regular emergency line, which usually guarantees that someone will pick up, but it only rings endlessly. Trying again, I watch the demons through the iron bars of the fence.
They’re vicious creatures, content only when they’re covered in the blood of angels, but something about the way these demons move makes me wonder if that’s true.
I watch one as it catches an angel from the sky and forces them to the ground, using the angel as a fucking hammer to break one of the Knowledge house’s statues. I can hear the fucking bones shatter from here, but the demon doesn’t deal a killing blow. It snarls once, twice, and then moves on to another target.
What the fuck is going on?
After yet another call goes unanswered, I realize I can’t just stand on the sidelines and wait for the cavalry to arrive.
They aren’t fucking coming. At least I can help protect others from harm, even if I can’t kill the invaders fully.
It isn’t the first time I’ve wished the Guild would let interns carry a sun blade.
Not wasting another second, I run headfirst into the fray. Thank the Archangels that I always wear my full gear when I head to the Guild, or I’d be shit out of fucking luck.
Whoever makes the tech for us is one smart-ass angel. They’ve created a weapon that changes with the press of a button. If I need a sword, I only have to press the button and push my want into it. If I want a bow, I do the same. It’s one hell of a multipurpose weapon.
Drawing an arrow from the quiver on my back, I take aim with my bow and let it fly. Bullseye! It hits a demon in the back of the skull, and I watch as it collapses to the ground.
Unfortunately, the damn beast let out a shriek before it fell and now I have three demons rushing toward me. I pop off one more arrow, hitting my target in the stomach before I change the weapon into a long-bladed sword. The weight of it feels perfectly balanced in my hand, and I move on practiced steps as I parry and strike against my opponents. Their claws strike the metal, causing sparks to fly, but I ignore them and stab my blade through the chin and skull of one dark creature before focusing on the other.
Professor Malik makes a stand on the front lawn, tearing through the creatures with ease. He holds a pair of twin daggers, slashing and blocking as the demons advance before dispatching of them. There’s a lull in attacks, and I take the opportunity to approach him.
Seeing my uniform, his face lights up. “Good, the Guild is here.”
I cringe. “Not exactly. I’ve been trying to reach someone at HQ, but no one’s picking up.”