Page 58 of Wings of Deception
“Fuck! Principal Cael said as much. We need more manpower, or at least more weapons in the hands of our students.”
Professor Malik’s head whips around when someone cries out near the house of Power. “I’ve got to go. Take down as many as you can and hopefully that will buy us enough time.” Then he turns his back on me and rushes into battle.
I fight on toward the main hall, struggling to understand how so many of these beasts made it through our defenses, when the largest demon I’ve ever seen lands on the ground in front of me. It stands over seven feet tall, with scaly wings that span wide along its back and nearly block out the rest of the world.
Where the fuck is the Guild?
I dart left to avoid a wicked slash of claws, miscalculating the beast’s long arms as it tears into my uniform, but thankfully doesn’t hit flesh. It may be large, but on the ground it’s slow. On quick feet, I’m able to dance around it, jabbing and cutting several times until a stream of black blood oozes from the wounds.
The demon reaches back, winding up for a massive attack, when suddenly it falters. It’s like watching a windup toy run out of steam and waiting for your dad to come wind it up again. Finally it moves, but not to attack me. It turns and runs in the opposite direction.
My blood turns to ice. I’ve read documents on this strange behavior — of demons following some silent command that only they can hear. But if the Guild hasn’t shown up yet and there’s only staff and students here, where the fuck are they going?
I try calling my lieutenant once more, hoping that he’ll finally pick the fuck up. We need him and the Guild here. With the way the demons are now converging to one area, who knows how bad things are about to get?
When he doesn’t answer, I can’t stop the overwhelming feeling of being let down. I try calling my dad, knowing that if he doesn’t answer my calls, then something really fucked up must be going on.
He doesn’t pick up.
Sheathing my weapon, I race after the demons, hoping to find out what the fuck they’re running toward. Hayliel’s little friends rush in the same direction. They should be inside somewhere. Hell, they should be protectingher.
The blond one carries a tire iron or something — not exactly a great weapon against demons — and the other one has a dagger. Just great. We’re so fucking unprotected that we now need Pures to defend and protect us.
I’m seconds away from calling out and telling them to get the fuck inside when the blond one looks around, panicked. It’s only when his gaze flashes toward the crop of trees surrounding the well that I begin to worry myself. They take off in a mad dash, heading straight for the spot where the demons gather.
I’m not exactly sure why I follow them. Maybe it’s because I’m better trained than they are and I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt. Or maybe it’s something else, something related to Hayliel and far too mushy, that I don’t even want to admit.
Either way, I’m drawn toward them, following as their steps turn more frenzied. The blond one shouts, and I realize what we’re all racing toward and who we’re already too late to save.
She stands at the top of the hill near the well, her gray wings completely closed around her body. At least twenty demons swarm around her, closing the distance with each passing second. Even with our speed, we’ll never make it in time to save her.
I’ve let her down again, and this time, I might not have the chance to make it right.
Painjoltsthroughmybody like a lightning strike as I hit the ground with a thud. Fuck.
A small, jagged rock digs into my side, and my mind feels like a bowl of soggy oatmeal. I struggle to catch my breath. The pieces are finally coming together when I spot the two creatures who drove me from the sky.
I guess this explains why Lieutenant Azrael told us not to fly.
From my place on the ground, the demons look massive. When I get to my feet, I realize they don’t just look huge, theyarehuge. I might have thought Raph, Theo, and Zeke were tall, but next to these assholes they look like children.
Other than a few sketches, I’ve never seen a demon before. Survivors of their attacks are few, outside of the Guild anyway, but they appear almost like the love child of a dragon and a bat. And maybe something else too, but I probably shouldn’t just lie here ticking off animals in my head.
Shit. How the fuck am I supposed to get out of this situation?
Where’s Dina flown off to? I haven’t seen her since I fell from the sky. Even then, I’d only caught her zipping off toward the other side of campus before two demons took chase. I hope she’s alright.
Off in the distance, Professor Castiel fucking pummels a demon to the ground. As expected, he dances gracefully through the moves, dodging and striking, but it’s the power behind his movements that catches me off guard.Not everything is as it seems, huh, Professor?
Around me, demons hover in the sky, taking out any angel who tries to flee while others battle on the ground. It’s absolute chaos. Try as I might, I keep hoping I’ll find someone wearing the Guild uniform. They should be here soon, I’d imagine. It’s their job to protect us, after all.
My hands feel empty as I scramble backward, keeping my wary gaze trained on the two demons advancing toward me. The fall must have jarred my brain, because I can’t help but want to laugh at the way their giant forms stumble across the rocks and dirt.
An idea flashes in my head, one that’s probably foolish since I doubt I’ll be able to pull it off, but I have to try. With my back to the campus entrance and the main hall on my left, I find a boulder near the line of trees on my right. My first attempt to move it proves unsuccessful, but when I try again, I can feel it shift.Almost got it.