Page 31 of War
“No, dumbass, it was hers. Despite all the training she was afforded, she always knew better. If she had been anyone else, she would have been gone before I got hurt. I listened to the captain and didn’t boot her when I should have. It is my deepest regret because of what it caused for you, but you have to let it go. It has colored every decision you’ve made. You’ve judged every woman by the way she screwed you up. Remington deserves the man I know you are—not the one you judge yourself to be.”
Bear made it sound so easy, but he’d carried the load a long time. He honestly couldn’t remember a time when he didn’t have the weight on his shoulders. He hadn’t heard his friend string so many words together in forever.
“How?” he croaked.
Bear stood and walked over, pulling him into a hug. “You share it with her. I’m sure she’ll help you shoulder the load. Plus, I’m sure she’s got stuff, too. You can’t do the type of stuff we do without it leaving its mark. You deserve happiness.”
He’d think about it. He wasn’t sure he was ready to share the part of his life he was ashamed of. It was a freaking first date. He could just see spilling his guts over their dinner. What if she blamed him? Despite Bear’s assurances, the guilt was still there.
“Thanks. I’ll think about it.”
Bear nodded and walked out as silent as he came in. Since Bear had been shot, he’d seemed different. His countenance hadn’t changed but he almost seemed a little lighter sometimes. He grabbed the items he was taking, checking they were still wrapped as he slid them in his saddle bag.
He had a lot to think about and consider. Could he let go of the sins of the past? Remington did deserve the best of him. Maybe it was time.
He hadn’t made any progress on letting go of the guilt on the drive. He hadn’t considered how nervous he might be. The closer he got to their compound, the sweatier his hands were. He turned onto their drive, following Remington’s directions leading him by the main house then around a curve. Five houses with huge differences in architectural style were linked by different paths and roads. She’d said hers was the smallest with the biggest porch. She hadn’t exaggerated. Hers looked like a log cabin built on the prairie except she had a huge wraparound porch with comfortable furniture inviting someone to sit and stay awhile. He backed his motorcycle in and parked where the sign indicated.Bikers parking. Cages in the back. Violators will meet an appropriate end.
He was curious exactly what Remington considered an appropriate end. She didn’t suffer fools lightly and anyone who could read should be able to follow the directions. He lifted the flowers out of his side bags, gently unwrapping them. He grabbed the bag with her other present. He hoped he’d chosen correctly.
He knocked on the door, glancing around. One of the houses was close enough he could see the curtains moving in the window. Someone pulled back the curtains and four hands waved at him. He smiled at her sisters keeping an eye out. Were they snooping or were they there to help Remington get rid of him if he was an ass to her?
Remington opened the door. She took his breath away. She’d always been beautiful, but he hadn’t taken the time to look at her face. It was a little fuller than high school, but it made her face more interesting. Her eyes scrutinized him and widened when she saw the flowers and package. Her hair was down tonight and had him imagining grasping it, directing her mouth close to him. He handed her the flowers.
“You look beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you. The flowers are gorgeous. Let me grab a vase then I’m diving into that bag because I love presents.”
A leather sofa, loveseat and chair with colorful blankets were in the front room. She’d divided the space with the furniture, but it was open concept through to the kitchen. She brought the flowers and set them on the table by a chair, motioning with her hands to give her the bag.
“If it’s not what you were wanting, you can exchange or return it.”
Her hands untied the bow and had tugged the tissue paper out in seconds. Unwrapping her present, her smile widened. She jumped up, pulled him close and smacked her lips against his.
“I love it. I’ve had this on my list, but I didn’t know it could be personalized.”
He was glad she loved her bullet loader but the quick kiss she’d laid on his lips wasn’t enough. He slid his hand into her hair, tugging her flush against him. Her curves against him had him wishing his jeans were a little bigger. He was surprised he had any blood left in his brain as he hardened.
“Your kiss was perfect but not nearly long enough,” he whispered as he captured her mouth. Their first kiss had been good but he’d remember this one on their first date forever. The taste of her mint toothpaste, the feel of her mouth letting him in and contentment in his chest revealing she was his.
Remington didn’t just let him take control, she had him wondering if they’d make it to dinner as they devoured each other. His breathing was heavy as he reluctantly pulled away.
“I’d like nothing more than to explore this more, but we have plans. I don’t want us to miss them.”
Remington nodded, grabbed her jacket, helmet and a small purse. Following behind him, she locked the door and slid her hair into a sheath.
“Seriously?” Remington huffed.
He glanced to see what had her irritated then laughed. In the time he’d been in the house, her sisters had been busy. They were on the front porch, a couple sitting in rocking chairs and a couple standing, leaning against the porch posts reminiscent of every western he’d watched. They were each holding a gun—not just any guns either. He saw a shotgun, an AR-15, a sniper rifle, and Beth had a hand crank 9mm gatling gun in front of her on a small table. One of them had taken a piece of plywood and spray paintedYou hurt her, and no one will find the body.
“I think it’s sweet they’re making sure I know there are consequences.”
He waited for Remington to get on and slide close. He was curious if she’d wrap herself around him or if he’d need to tug her closer. He hadn’t decided if having her on the bike would be a dream come true with her wrapped around him or if he’d be the hardest he’d ever been.
For the first time since he was back, he was ready for what was ahead. The kiss had cemented in his mind that Remington would be his.
REMINGTON GLANCED AROUNDthe room. He’d brought her to the clubhouse. Were they hanging with his brothers? She’d told him she didn’t care what they did. She’d been dying to know what he had planned. Walking into the clubhouse, she noticed the lack of sound. She’d rarely been here when multiple sounds of pool balls, TV and brothers talking weren’t competing for supremacy.