Page 32 of War
A table was to the side and set for an intimate dinner. War texted as he led her to her seat, waiting until she was situated before he took his.
“I picked here because this is the spot where I hurt you. I was a young guy who was too full of himself. I thought we’d make new memories here to replace the bad ones. I know we both loved the food and I wanted this to be a new start for us. We can’t change the past, but we can step forward into the future, which is what I want with you.”
One of the prospects visiting from their Texas chapter walked out with his cut on over a starched white shirt and pressed jeans.
“What can I get you to drink?”
She bit back a smile at his pad of paper and pen waiting for her choice.
“Whatever War is having.”
He’d planned the date and with the care taken so far, she was sure he had figured out her favorite drinks.
“We’ll take the drinks chilling in the fridge, and you can bring out the appetizers.”
He almost looked like he was shaking as he scurried back to the kitchen. She arched her brow and War chuckled.
“I might have threatened him with a couple of things if he screwed this up.”
“You don’t want members that don’t love the brotherhood and wouldn’t do anything for each other.”
War waited while their drinks and appetizers were placed by them. He immediately cut a piece of bread, buttered it, and placed it on her plate along with a couple of the appetizers before taking care of himself.
“I agree. Until the issues on the security gig with that jackass client you had, it’s been relatively quiet for a while, but it never lasts. I need to know anyone who becomes a member will do whatever it takes to protect the family. A couple weeks after I was home, a prospect came up for voting to patch in. The day before Mom had told me he’d gone with her to pick up some supplies. He played on his phone, and she waited five minutes before he glanced up and saw her. Anything could have happened. We kicked him to the curb, but I’d been angry someone hadn’t noticed it before, but I guess he hid it well.”
She finished her potato skin and wiped her mouth. “We have a longer orientation process now because someone made it through a couple years ago and ran at the first sound of gunfire.”
He chuckled. “I heard about your most recent orientation from Cannon. He said he laughed until tears ran down his face. He said he was surprised the guy didn’t wet his pants. He was also irritated he didn’t have the cameras running.”
She laughed, remembering his terror as he ran through the course and she fired. He didn’t know they were blanks but it gave her a good idea what he’d do during a confrontation. The prospect returned, clearing their dishes away and placing new ones. She looked at the food and then at War waiting for her response. Her favorite main dishes Regina made were in little containers so they could have a sampling of all.
“This was a lot of work for Regina.”
War nodded. “I helped and had two prospects helping her. She pretty much sat and enjoyed her iced tea and directed. She only got up a few times when she thought one of us wasn’t doing something correctly.”
For him to take the time to cook her meal with all her favorites told her more than words War wanted this to be the start of something for them. He, once again, had servings of everything on her plate before he selected anything for himself.
“I’ve been gone a long time. Would you be up for twenty questions?” he asked, his voice hopeful.
War had done his research on her. That was the only way he knew she loved to ask questions to get to know people better on assignments.
“Sure.” She savored the bite of mashed potatoes with gravy.
“Favorite activity in your free time.”
“Riding my bike or binge reading. I’m gone so much I love to stay home when I can.”
“Best thing that’s happened since you’ve come back.”
“Well, it’s tied. Getting to know my niece and nephews and going out with you.”
She was almost worried because they were getting along so well. Was this the new normal or would things change? His lips claiming her before they left had surprised her at how she’d felt. She’d always wondered if she’d like kissing a man with a beard. The feel of it against her lips had her imagining everywhere else she could feel it. Everyone before had just been a placeholder but when War had touched her, she’d known he was the one.
“What’s your dream vacation?”
She didn’t need to think about this at all. She had a vision board hidden in a closet so her sisters couldn’t see it because it was too personal. She loved them but sometimes she didn’t need them to know everything.
“Renting an RV and spending a couple weeks traveling to different places, enjoying the sights with no schedule.”