Page 33 of War
They’d finished their meal and the prospect had cleared the dishes. War stood, holding his hand out.
“Dessert is waiting for us, and we each have time for one more question—so make it a good one.”
He held her hand and he led her down the hall. She’d loved kissing him but if he thought she was jumping in bed in his room with Regina a couple of feet away in the kitchen, he was dead wrong.
He led her into a storage room with a ladder at the end. He crawled up, opened a hatch and then looked at her. “Dessert is up here.”
He stepped up through and put his hand down to her. She stepped up the ladder, grasping his hand and letting him help her up. The sun was close to the horizon at dusk. They didn’t need the twinkling lights that were on the roof to see but she loved them. She’d never realized the clubhouse had a roof you could get on. A fire pit was lit with a couple chairs around it. He waited until she sat down then handed her marshmallows on sticks. S’mores were her favorite. She wanted the marshmallow completely blackened where the inside was so gooey it stuck to your teeth.
“This is perfect.”
His bright smile gleamed at her words.
“Last question for me. If you could have anything, where do you see yourself in three years?”
He’d hit on her dreams. He wasn’t pulling any punches with his questions, but they had a lot of time to make up for.
“Dream me wants kids before I’m too old, a husband, a couple pets and my kids growing up with their cousins.”
He nodded, taking his completely burnt marshmallow, placing it on the chocolate bar and squishing it between the graham crackers. He handed it to her. She took a bite thinking about what to ask him, settling on one that would tell her more about his character.
“What’s your biggest regret?”
His eyes stared into hers, his forehead pursed in thought.
“One of mine is saying yes to Roam when he bet Bear and me that he could win at poker. We took that bet because Roam always sucked at poker. I still don’t know how he won but he did.”
“What happened?”
“He had bet us that he got to practice piercing on us if we lost.”
She looked at his shirt to see if she’d maybe missed a nipple piercing. War was shaking his head.
“I wish it was a nipple piercing.”
Now, she really wanted to see what Roam had done. She had her own Roam stories with piercings.
“It was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life having my brother holding my dick while he pierced it.”
She snorted, then couldn’t hold it in. Imagining her big, badass biker having to let his brother pierce his dick was too funny. Freaking hot but extremely funny. Since she had a piercing from Roam which he’d won the opportunity to do, she had a suspicion they’d both been had. He’d suckered all of her sisters with that bet. She could see him having a good night, but Beth was phenomenal at poker because she had an eidetic memory. She knew every card that was played and could figure the odds.
“Not even close to anything I had ever imagined except I have to ask—did he wear sunglasses while you played?”
War glanced at her, surprised. “Yeah, how’d you know?”
“He made a similar bet with my sisters and me. We have a monthly poker game as a staff get together. He’s joined us a couple times and lost. When he bet us, he invited us to the clubhouse then claimed he had a migraine, and the lights were bothering him. Beth is super observant and noticed he only won when he wore the blue glasses.”
“That lying card shark. I’m guessing since you were playing at the clubhouse, he supplied the cards.”
At her nod, he grinned.
“Two things—I’m dying to know where he pierced you and how’d you like to get him back?”
She liked how he thought, and she hadn’t been mad at Roam because she’d already been planning on getting a belly button piercing. Whether it was Roam or Rascal piercing her hadn’t mattered to her.
War’s eyes heated as she unbuckled her belt and unzipped her jeans. Pulling her shirt up, her breath sped up as he leaned forward. His hand reached toward the piercing then paused, his brow quirked. She nodded though she wasn’t sure having War’s hands on her up here where they were all alone was her smartest decision.
His finger moved the piercing to view it better. His warm breath heated her skin.