Page 21 of Draco
I laughed as they all winced at my comment. “Navy and I’ll do another check and then I’m going to bed. It’s been a long one. I’m sure one of you has already let Draco know so I’m sure I’ll be expecting a call from him sometime soon,” I added with a roll of my eyes.
They smiled at my sass. “We left him a message, but yeah, expect an early phone call,” Reaper agreed.
“Okay then, take your guest and go make him as uncomfortable as possible and Navy and I’ll do a walk around. I’ll see you all tomorrow I’m sure,” I declared, leaving them to it and going to check on the brewery. Navy and I did a thorough sweep, and it looked like they caught him in time. Navy assured me the toerag hadn’t done anything to the water supply and it was fine.
Yawning, we walked back to the house.
“Night, Navy,” I mumbled tiredly into his chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tight. “Thanks for looking out for me.”
“Of course, Molls, you're my person,” he muttered as he awkwardly patted my back. “You head up to bed. Reaper is going to send Bull over to watch while I get some sleep. Shout if you need anything, okay, but you can rest easy.”
“Okay,” I answered with another yawn as I released him and headed to the stairs and my bed.
I hope that Draco found out what Rupert mcfuckface twatwaffle Badger wanted.
I couldn’t settle. I had that itchy feeling at the back of my neck and knew something was coming.
The women had long since gone home. I’d done my rounds while they were here and kept myself out of the way as much as possible so that they could enjoy their evening and talk about whatever they wanted.
I loved them all, and I’d do anything for them. They’d all made me feel welcome from the day I’d arrived at Crow MC. I knew I was an acquired taste. My gran had told me this when I’d been sent to live with her at age twelve.
I was a wild lad who’d not had any discipline up to that point. I’d given her hell, and she’d somehow tamed me until she passed when I was seventeen. She was the first person to love me unconditionally, and I missed her every day. She’d taught me how to be a gentleman and how to treat a lady. Nobody here except Reaper and Skinny knew my background and that my grandmother had been part of the aristocracy. She’d ensured that I’d not only got a stellar education, but that I had also been tutored on etiquette during my years with her.
I could, if I wanted, hold a polite conversation about nothing and use the right knife and fork and be charming if I chose, but it wasn’t me and she knew that.
Before she passed, she’d asked me what I would like, and I told her my freedom. I’d happily passed on at being her heir to a second cousin who was doing a great job at running her estates. He insisted on keeping me updated and putting money in my account, no matter how many times I’d told him it wasn’t necessary. He was a good man with a lovely family. That reminded me, I needed to make time to call them to check how they were, I thought, as I went around the house switching off the lights.
No, I wasn’t smooth like Bond and Blaze or good-looking like Hawk, Bull, and Cairo. I was a little rough around the edges and suffered from foot in the mouth syndrome. I had a knack of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and pissing people off without meaning to. But I was loyal to those who were good to me, and the Crow MC had been good to me from the start.
Climbing the stairs, I stood by my bedroom window, looking out into the darkness.
I grinned as I watched a figure dart out of the darkness and work on the door of the brewery.
I’d had a feeling something was going to happen tonight with Draco being gone. Bond and I’d picked up that we were being watched earlier today and had set this up. I’d switched off the brewery alarm earlier and updated Reaper on my plan. Everyone was on alert.
Taking my phone from my pocket, I brought it to my ear.
“It’s time.”
“I’m coming.”
I watched as Bond easily subdued the figure and waved me over.
Trying Draco’s phone, I got his voicemail and left a message as well as shooting him a text.
Only then did I go and wake Molly up. I didn’t want to leave her in the house alone, and she could check the brewery while we were down there.
The trip to Staines went smoothly and a couple of hours later, we were pulling into the local Holiday Inn. Parking our bikes, we headed into the hotel to check in, garnering the usual looks. Some of worry and anxiousness, some of admiration and then the looks of hunger when we walked past a group of women that were sitting in the foyer as we walked up to the reception desk.
Ignoring them, we gave our names, picked up our keys and made our way to our rooms. Then I handed Cairo a key for the room next door to mine and Dragon’s. Entering our room, Dragon threw his bag on the bed before flopping down next to it with a sigh.