Page 22 of Draco
“I’ve missed riding like that,” he admitted.
“Yeah,” I agreed, taking my cut off, and I hung it up before stripping down to my boxers and flopping on the bed with a tired groan.
Dragon chuckled and threw a pillow at me, “Younger woman wearing you out, brother?”
“You have no idea, Drake. I fucking love her, man, but I don’t want to spook her. Do you know how hard it’s been keeping my hands off her?”
“I’m happy for you, Liam.”
It’s not often we use our first names, so I knew that Dragon was serious when he uttered those words.
“Thanks, brother, wake me in a couple of hours and we’ll head out and get something to eat.”
A couple of hours later, we knocked on Cairo’s door, and the three of us found a pub within walking distance of our hotel and had some supper spending the rest of the evening playing darts and pool before walking back to our hotel at last call. We were nearly at the hotel when my phone rang. Seeing it was from home, I answered it and grinned when I heard laughter and heckling from the women in our family on the other side. I put it on speakerphone so that Dragon and Cairo could hear.
I couldn't help but laugh at the conversation about Molly being my Old Lady and the confusion it had caused, but as usual, the girls had come through, and now I didn’t have to have that conversation, hopefully saving my balls a bashing.
Dragon and Cairo were cackling like bloody hyenas at my comment about my balls.
“What?! Molly may be small, but she’s fucking vicious when she gets going. I was seriously worried about my balls, and if I want to knock her up, I need to keep them safe,” I muttered, feeling the tips of my ears redden slightly in embarrassment.
“Pussy,” Dragon snickers, punching me lightly. “Scared of an itty-bitty woman not even five feet.”
“Too fucking right,” I reply, opening our bedroom door and going in. “Have you seen how good she is with knives?”
This brought about more hilarity. I left them to their laughing and grabbed my shower bag and headed to the bathroom. I knew I’d be getting some shit from the rest of the brothers about having a healthy respect for my woman's knife skills.
I sent Molly a couple of texts before heading to bed with a smile on my face.
Ten o’clock the next morning found us waiting in the hotel lounge to meet with this guy, Mr. White. I snorted when I’d heard the name, but Skinny assured me it really was his name and not a fake.
I was also fuming mad after my phone call with Reaper this morning about what had gone down last night at the brewery.
I’d checked in with Molly, who assured me she was fine and that Navy hadn’t left her side once. She’d made me laugh when she’d told me she’d stomped on the intruder’s dick for messing with her brewery.
I wanted this meeting over and done with so we could get home and I could see for myself that she was fine.
Cairo pulled me from my thoughts when he cleared his throat loudly in the signal we’d agreed on. Cairo had taken up residence at a table close to the reception to hear when someone asked for me.
I looked up at his signal to see a small man come in and look around. I lifted my hand when he caught my eye and stood up to shake his hand.
“Mr. White?” I queried.
He nodded jerkily before sitting down.
“Do you want a coffee?” I offered.
He shook his head, “No thanks, let's get this over and done with.”
I motioned for him to continue, my temper boiling as he told us his story. What he told us gelled with what Skinny had found out from the sabotage on his brewery until the final straw that broke the camel's back, which was the fire that swept through his home nearly, taking his daughter with it. She was still undergoing treatment for her burns but was doing well, all considered.
Thanking him for meeting us, we shook his hand. He’d jerked in surprise as Cairo came up behind him, but had shaken his hand and prepared to leave.
Mr. White stopped at the doorway and hesitated before lifting his head, “I don’t think he realises what he’s started this time with coming for one of you. And knowing him, he hasn’t done his homework to see who it is he’s targeting; he’s probably done the bare minimum like checking land records and that’s it. He'll only get invested himself when you start pushing back. My only request is if you catch him, make it hurt, like my daughter has been hurting.”
I nodded in agreement, not saying anything because no words would help this man’s daughter through her agony of healing from the burns inflicted on her.
I called Reaper to update him before we got on our bikes and hit the road to get back home.