Page 51 of I Could Never
She probably thought I was being aloof because I’d fucked Lauren and didn’t want to admit it. Carly seemed to have the impression that I was a manwhore. But having her make that assumption about last night didn’t sit right with me.
“Nothing happened, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
She blotted her lips. “I’m surprised. With the way she looks at you—throws herself at you—I would’ve assumed she had you at her apartment before they could even serve dessert.”
I stepped into her room. “I’m not that easy, you know. I had the opportunity. I just didn’t take it.”
Her eyes went wide. “You turned her down?”
“I don’t believe in leading someone on if I’m not sure about things. It’s not like she’s just anyone. She works in this house. So I need to handle it carefully.”
Carly resumed looking in the mirror. “Well, that’s very mature of you, Mathers. I did wonder since you came home earlier than I expected.”
“I thought you were asleep when I came in. I didn’t realize you were paying close attention,” I teased.
“There are lots of creaks in this house. It’s hard not to wake up when someone so much as moves. I wasn’t waiting around or anything, if that’s what you think.”
I nodded. “And I won’t be waiting for you tonight. So don’t worry about that. Neil wouldn’t hurt a fly, so I have no reason for concern.”
Carly fluffed her hair. “You’d be up waiting and worried otherwise? If it were someone else?”
Shit.“Well, yeah. I don’t trust people. I’d be wary of you meeting anyone new while you’re out here, if I didn’t know them.” I raised my chin. “I mean... Brad would want me to look out for you.”
“So this is about Brad?” She turned to me. “You would worry out of a sense of obligation to him?”
“Not exactly. I consider you a friend now. I’d be looking out for you either way.”
“My face doesn’t bug you anymore?” she taunted.
My stomach tightened. “No, Carly.” I glared at her. “It doesn’t.”
“That’s good to know.”
I hung my head for a moment. “I guess I’ll never live that one down.”
“Probably not.” She winked.
“Maybe I deserve it.”
Her heels clicked as she moved toward me. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’m just kidding. I’m over it, truly. Especially after you explained the reason behind it.” She paused and sniffed the air. Her expression shifted.
Crap. Busted.
“You smoked.”
“I had a quick one a few minutes ago.”
“Why, Josh?” She frowned. “You were doing so well.”
Now I definitely had to lie. I couldn’t admit that her date with my brother was freaking me out. I couldn’t admit that the date last night had been a total sham, mostly for her benefit. And I certainly couldn’t admit that her lips were begging me to kiss them right now, which made mereallyneed another cigarette.
“I just fell off the wagon. It happens.”
“Well, you can always get back on, right?”
I sighed. “That’s what I do.”
She paused and seemed to be examining my face. “Are you okay with this? Me going out with your brother?”