Page 65 of I Could Never
“Just drop the whole thing about yesterday, okay? Whatever irked me is over. I’m not in that weird mood anymore.”
“Done.” He bit into his bagel. “The subject is officially dropped.” His next comment caught me off guard, though. “Why don’t you go out and do something for yourself today?”
“Where did that come from?”
“It’s just overdue. Aside from that one hair and nail appointment, you haven’t taken any time for yourself. Go shopping or something.”
I grabbed the other half of his gluten-free bagel and stole a bite. “You gonna give me money for this shopping spree, big guy?”
“Yeah, actually.” He reached into his wallet and grabbed a wad of cash. “Here...”
“Whoa.” I held up my palm. “Oh my God, Josh. I was kidding. Are you crazy? I’m not taking your damn money!”
“Take it. You’re not working much right now.”
“That doesn’t mean you owe me money.”
“I know that. But, Carly, the only reason I’m able to work as smoothly as I do, without interruption, is because you look after Scottie during the day. If I were the only one here, like I’d originally planned, there’s no way I could’ve continued to do my job. So look at it as payback for helping me stay employed through all this. Take the money and buy yourself something nice. Get a massage. Or put some claws back on your fingers. Seriously. Just have some fun.” He held out the money. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“Well, damn. I don’t have to be told twice, Sugar Daddy.” I took the cash and placed it in my bra. “Thank you.”
“You can thank me by picking up some pistachio ice cream on the way back.”
“You got it.”
The afternoon was blissful. Once out, I realized this was much more needed than I’d imagined. I did exactly as Josh suggested. I went to the mall and had a girl’s day for one. I started by treating myself to coffee and a coconut donut in the food court, which I enjoyed in peace as I scrolled on my phone. Then I visited a few of the department stores and tried on various outfits. I needed a new swimsuit that was a bit more modest than my bikini, since I planned to start taking Scottie to the YMCA so he could swim in their indoor pool.
I’d decided to multitask by talking to my friend Christina on the phone in the dressing room while trying on various swimsuits. I’d just filled her in about the latest happenings on the home front—including the night Josh and I had shared the bed.
She had an interesting theory. “He paid you off because he feels guilty about calling you out on your true feelings last night.”
“He should feel guilty. He knew I’d never swear on that dog’s life.” I sighed. “I thought him insisting I get out today was nice, though. I’m not gonna read into it too much.”
“Can I ask you something?” she asked.
“Okay...” I slipped out of my pants.
“If he were to try something sexual, would you be receptive?”
My body tingled just thinking about it. Pulling my shirt over my head, I said, “I’m not gonna be the one to initiate anything.”
“That’s not what I asked. My question was, ifhewere to make the first move, would you stop it?”
No, I wouldn’t.But I wasn’t ready to admit it. “I don’t know.”
“That’s a yes.” She paused. “Wow. I never thought you’d go there.”
Her reaction immediately made me second-guess my character. “Are you judging me?”
“No, that’s not how I meant it. I’m happy that you’d allow yourself to let go of the guilt.”
“Nothing is going to happen anyway,” I informed her, a bit too loudly for a dressing room. “Because Josh doesn’t see me that way. He knows I think he’s attractive, which continues to be embarrassing for me. But he’s never once implied that he findsmesexually attractive or has feelings beyond this bond we have because of Scottie. So I’m not gonna speculate about a situation that’s imaginary.”
“I wouldn’t call sleeping in the same bed imaginary, though. That actually happened, and I think—”
“Let’s drop it, okay?” I unhooked my bra. “Listen... I’m gonna hang up and try on some of these bathing suits. I’ll text you photos to get your opinion.”