Page 108 of Dreams of Magic
He laughed again, “Ride Sally ride or Mustang Sally?”
“Mustang Sally. The Commitment’s version is my favorite.” She loved that they had the same taste in music.
“I’m glad to know you were raised right.” He was smiling as they pulled up outside of a two-story brick house, “Megan always loved music. Looks like she passed that on to you.”
“Singing and dancing around the kitchen was one of her favorite things. There was always music in the house.” A man opened her door and helped her get out of the truck without jostling Marshall.
Chris came to the door to help lift his son from the car, “Hey Doc, we’ve had a bit of a run in.”
The man grunted, “I’d say a little more than a bit. Aiden sent word of the injuries he thought you might have, and that the Alpha was drugged.”
Chris nodded, “Tranquilized. I don’t know what they used though. Most drugs don’t work on us.”
“Hm.” She followed them as they carried Marshall into the house and placed him on a hospital bed, “Call Raven. We need to be sure there is no magic involved.”
“I’ll call her.” Kenzie pulled her phone out of her pocket and found Ravens number. As the phone rang, she watched the doctor start examining her brother. She didn’t know this doctor, but she trusted Chris. Still, she wouldn’t be leaving Marshalls side until he woke up.
The phone rang four times before Raven finally answered, “Hey girl, I thought you were at lunch with your dad and Marshall?”
“We just got back. Andre’s men ran us off the road. We’re at the doctor’s house and we need you to come now. Marshall got hit by a tranquilizer dart and he’s knocked out. We need to know if there was magic used.” She could hear a door slam from the phone line.
“I’m on my way. Whatever you do, do not try to heal him. I’ll be there in two minutes.” Then Raven hung up the phone.
She put her phone back in her pocket and stepped closer to the hospital bed.
The doctor hooked Marshall up to a blood pressure cuff and a pulse ox monitor and was now taking his temperature. When the thermometer beeped, he read the temperature and she watched his brow crease.
She stepped up next to him and took Marshall’s hand, “What’s wrong?”
“He has a fever. Everything else looks normal, but he is running very hot. We need to cool him down or it could cause brain damage.”
Thankfully, Raven took that moment to burst through the door.
“Let me see him.” She pushed passed the doctor and went straight to Marshall. Kenzie watched as she placed a hand on each side of his head and closed her eyes.
They all remained quiet while they waited.
It was only a few minutes before she opened her eyes, then sat on the side of the bed, “There was a small trace of magic. A tendril of dark magic wrapped around his heart. It didn’t take hold though, so I was able to remove it easily. It was causing the fever, so that should go down now. As for the chemicals in his system, they will take a few hours, but they will flush out of his system.”
Kenzie didn’t want to wait hours, “Can’t I just heal him?”
Raven shook her head, “No. Unless it is life threatening, trying to remove a toxin from the body can be dangerous. Sometimes the chemicals mix with the natural chemicals in the body, and you can’t tell the two apart. You could cause catastrophic damage if you don’t know exactly what you are doing.”
Kenzie didn’t understand. “What kind of damage?”
Raven shrugged, “You could accidentally stimulate the wrong cell and cause cancer to grow. Or eliminate the wrong thing and make them a diabetic. I knew a healer many years ago who tried to heal a woman who was poisoned by her mother when she got pregnant out of wedlock. She saved the girls life but ended up sterilizing her.”
Kenzie was shocked, “How is that possible?”
“The poison had already started doing its job, attacking the fetus in the womb. It had already been partially absorbed and when she tried to remove it, she stimulated it, and it attacked the girl’s reproductive organs.” Raven had a sad look on her face, “The girl was only seventeen.”
“Oh my gosh. I can’t even imagine. So far, healing has seemed so easy. Mostly instinct.” Kenzie hadn’t had any idea what she was doing when she healed Aiden and Cassie. “What if I caused damage instead of helping them? You have to check Cassie and Aiden!”
Raven waved her hand through the air looking unconcerned, “Nah, you did great love. Those were mostly surface injuries. When injuries aren’t too deep, they do tend to be pretty easy. Bones are harder and organs are tricky.”
Raven hopped off the bed and stood in front of her, “Speaking of. Your nose is broken.”