Page 109 of Dreams of Magic
Doc stepped forward, “Before you fix that, I need to get a head CT. And fast before it heals on its own. Your head is still bleeding so that is a serious concern. The bleeding should have stopped by now.”
Kenzie touched her temple where she could still feel the pain from her head smashing into the window. She didn’t feel dizzy anymore, but her stomach was a little upset, so she nodded and followed the doctor into the next room. Before starting the CT, he put a small bandage over her cut to stop the flow of blood.
He had her lie down on a bed and told her to hold still while he took the scans of her head.
It only took a few minutes, then he helped her sit back up.
“It looks like you have a concussion. Head wounds bleed a lot though, so we’ll get that patched up and fix your nose. Your healing should kick in pretty soon and after a few hours, you should be good as new.” He smiled at her as they walked back into Marshalls room.
“Thank you, Doc. I really appreciate all your help.” She studied him for a second. He looked really familiar, but she couldn’t place where she knew him from, “Have we met before?”
The doctor chuckled, “No, but you know my brother Antonio. I’m his twin, Marcus.”
“Oh wow, okay! I knew you looked familiar.” She chuckled, “It’s still so weird to me how many twins there are around here. Some are identical, others are not. Anyway, it is lovely to meet you.”
He smiled, “It’s great to meet you too. Now, I’m going to pull a second bed in here for you to lay down as well. Raven, if you wouldn’t mind, could you please fix her nose? That would be less painful than if I did it.”
“Sure thing.” Raven stepped right into Kenzie’s space. Quickly and without warning, she pressed Kenzie’s nose back into place. She felt the cartilage grind on the bone, then felt the gentle waves of magic as Raven soothed the pain away. “Voila! All better. Not even a bump.”
Kenzie gently probed her nose. The pain was completely gone, and it felt normal except for the dried blood.
She gave Raven a quick hug, “Thank you!”
Hugging her back, she said, “Of course. I could heal your head too if Doc thinks it’s okay. Just the cut. I won’t mess with the concussion.”
Marcus nodded, “That will be fine.”
Raven placed her hands on Kenzie’s head and again, closed her eyes. While she worked, Kenzie watched Marcus as he examined Chris’ arm, “I’m going to have to re- break it. It started to heal already and it’s crooked. Probably because you shifted.”
Chris swore, “Well get it done Doc.”
She looked away. She didn’t want to see him hurt anymore. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the glow of magic she could feel coming from Raven. Instead, she saw the man whose neck she snapped.
She gasped and opened her eyes, trying to blink away the image.
Raven pulled back, “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”
Kenzie gulped, “No, I was just thinking. It’s nothing.”
Raven studied her for a second like she didn’t believe her, but then let it go, “Okay, well I’m all done. You should heal the rest on your own pretty quickly.”
“Thank you, Raven.” Kenzie pulled her into a tight hug. She was so grateful to have her.
Raven squeezed her back, then pulled away, “You don’t have to thank me. I’m just glad you’re all okay.”
Raven moved over to the corner and took a seat in one of the chairs, then leaned her head back and closed her eyes.
Marcus motioned to the bed he’d brought in for her, “Good, now lay down for a bit and rest, but don’t go to sleep at least for an hour or two.”
“Thank you, Marcus.”
He smiled, “Of course dear. And you can call me Doc if you want. Everyone else does.”
She chuckled, “That makes me think of the seven dwarves. You’re a little taller than he was though.”
Doc and Chris both laughed, “They were very hard workers so I’m going to take that as a compliment.” He turned back to Chris, “Alright now, this is going to hurt so brace yourself.”
Chris gritted his teeth, “Just do it.”