Page 119 of Dreams of Magic
So now she had to make time to tell him everything. She took a deep breath, then tapped on his number. The second the phone started ringing, she almost hung up, but he answered before she could.
“Hey there kiddo. How are you doing?” His voice was so cheerful, so happy to hear from her as always.
“Hey Uncle Jake, I’m okay. How are you?” Her voice wobbled and she knew he would hear it.
He was quiet for a minute before replying, “I’m great. Now, how are you really doing?”
She sighed, “Well, not that great actually.”
She launched into everything that had happened since the last time they spoke, not leaving out a single detail. She rushed through it and had to repeat a few things because she was going so fast, but when she finally finished it was a relief.
It was terrifying, waiting for him to say something. She just hoped he wouldn’t hate her.
“Baby girl, none of this is your fault and if you are blaming yourself, stop. You have done nothing wrong, and your mom would say the exact same thing. That asshole Andre has lost his mind. He isn’t even being subtle about it anymore if he’s attacking you out in the open like that. It sounds like there is nothing that will stop him and a man like that is dangerous. You need to figure out what’s driving him.”
“We are working on it. Raven has been working her butt off trying to find the connection. She’s pretty much a genius though, so I know she will figure it out. We’ve all been helping, but honestly, it’s mostly her.” She chuckled, “I think you would really like her actually.”
“Oh yea, why’s that?” She could hear the amusement in his voice.
“Well, she’s tall and gorgeous, the smartest person I’ve ever met, and she’s super funny.”
He chuckled, “Sounds too good to be true. What’s the catch?”
“She’s a three hundred something year old witch who has a particular fondness for gothic outfits and platforms. But she really is amazing, and I’ve heard older women can be fun.” She laughed. She was always trying to set him up or find him a date, but he never went for it. He always said he was perfectly happy in his own company.
“Well, if that’s all. Goths are all the rage these days.” He was messing with her. She had never actually known him to go on a date, though she figured he probably just kept it to himself. She always wondered why he never married but didn’t think it was any of her business.
She smiled at the idea of her uncle meeting Raven. She really did think they would get along well, “So true. I would actually love for you to meet her. She’s become a very good friend.”
“Well, I was thinking it was time I came down there anyway. With everything you’re dealing with, I think an extra set of hands would be helpful. So, you up for a visit?”
She was up and jumping around her room before he even finished talking, “Oh my gosh, are you serious? I would love that!”
He chuckled again, “I’m completely serious. How about I come down on Friday? I can stay for a few days, and we can catch up. I can meet all your new friends, your dad and your brother. And maybe we can figure out what the hell is going on. Plus, it’ll make me feel a lot better being close if you need anything.”
“Oh my gosh yes! Friday would be perfect! There’s plenty of room for you to stay at the pack house with me and trust me, this place is nicer than a hotel.”
“That sounds perfect kiddo.”
She was so excited she could barely contain it. They talked for a few more minutes and made plans for what they would do while he was here. She knew he was coming because he was worried and wanted to help, but she hoped they would also have time to just be themselves. It felt like forever since she’d seen him that day at the lawyer’s office and she really missed him.
Once they had a solid plan for when he would be there, they said goodnight and got off the phone.
Friday was only two days away. She mind-linked Marshall,“Hey, my uncle is going to come visit on Friday. Is it okay if he stays here at the pack house?”
There was a slight pause, then,“Of course he can. He knows all about werewolves I’m assuming since he helped raise you, so there is no reason he can’t stay here.”
“Thank you so much Marshall, you’re the best!”
He sent her the image of him smirking,“Don’t I know it. Really though, I’m glad he’s coming. We’ve thrown a lot at you in a short time. Maybe he can help you balance all of it. I know it hasn’t been easy, though you seem to take things in stride.”
Kenzie sent him a shrug,“What else could I do? And not all of it has been bad. You, Chris, Aiden, and all of the friends I’ve made have become so important to me. Meeting you is worth everything else.”
“I don’t know Kenz, that car accident kind of sucked.”She knew he was joking.
“That’s true. Guess I should pack my bags.”
He sent her a growl and the image of snapping teeth, “Don’t make me come up there.”