Page 126 of Dreams of Magic
“Yea, what he said! Vampires are not even close to our strength in real life.” Aiden chimed in.
Kenzie turned to look at him, “I thought werewolves and vampires were close to equal in strength?”
Aiden wiggled his hand back and forth in the air, “Ah well, sort of. As wolves, we are faster. But in human form, they are faster. Physical strength, we are pretty well matched. We both have a weakness. We are both vulnerable to iron, and vampires rely on blood to survive. We can’t stay in wolf form for extended periods of time. So, we are kind of balanced in our strengths and weaknesses.”
Kenzie held up her wrist, “Isn’t this iron? Won’t that hurt us if we are vulnerable to it?”
Aiden touched the bracelet, “No. It’s only if it gets into our blood. This way, it is a very powerful conductor of magic and I’m guessing Raven blessed it as well, so it won’t hurt you.”
Raven nodded, “Yup, exactly. Good job smarty pants.”
Aiden glared at her, “That’s Mr. Smarty pants to you. And I pay attention when you talk about the important magic mumbo jumbo.”
Raven snorted and turned back to the movie, “Sure ya do.”
Brianna shushed them, “You’re ruining the movie.”
“Sorry Bri.” Aiden whispered, then pulled Kenzie close again. She cuddled into his body, enjoying the feeling of him pressed against her. She realized he made her feel safe and happy. Happier than she had been in a long time.
When Celine shot one of the werewolves full of silver bullets, another thought struck her, “How come all of the legends and stories say that silver hurts us when it’s really iron?”
Aiden answered, “A few decades after the first werewolves and vampires were created, someone started the rumor about silver and the full moon. The villagers nearby started trying to hunt them down and were getting themselves killed. The rumors gave them some comfort.”
“How would that be comforting?”
“Well, if they wanted to make someone prove they weren’t a werewolf they just had to cut them with silver. If it didn’t fester, then they were human. And if a person stayed human during a full moon, they couldn’t be a werewolf. It was just a tactic to protect us and make the humans feel safer.”
The way he explained it was so simple. But all she could picture was people with torches and pitch forks, just like a witch hunt.
She was suddenly very glad not to have been alive during that time period. She wasn’t sure how to voice her thoughts out loud, so she was glad when Raven spoke, “People feared anything they didn’t understand back then. Anything that was different was deemed inappropriate. It was a hard way to live.”
Darren hugged her, “I’m sorry you had to live through that.”
Raven smiled and brushed it off, “It was a long time ago. Life is much better now for all us weirdos. Now quit interrupting the movie.”
Kenzie knew Raven was ending the conversation and decided she’d asked enough questions for now. She could always ask Aiden anything else she wanted to know later.
Everyone focused back on the movie. There were occasional comments or jokes, especially whenever a vampire lost a fight. Everyone was obviously rooting for the werewolves. She kind of felt for both sides but decided to keep that to herself.
By the end of the move, she’d started making comparisons. When the credits started rolling, she turned to Aiden, “Me and Marshall have mixed blood.”
Aiden waited for her to continue, but when she didn’t, he prompted her, “Yes?”
She pointed at the screen, “Will other people or the council be like that? Will they want to kill us because we are a mix of the species?”
Aiden shook his head, “No. There are no rules or laws against the species mixing. Werewolves and vampires are like cats and dogs, they can’t get pregnant with each other. Now, we can both mix with witches, but we’ve always assumed that’s because we were created from their magic. Which means, we are all kind of part witch already, so it doesn’t matter.”
“So, the council wouldn’t freak out if a werewolf and a vampire became mates?” She thought it would be a weird mix, but also believed people should be allowed to love who they wanted.
Aiden shrugged, “They don’t really care. Though the couple would then fall under the rule of both councils.”
“Why don’t me and Marshall fall under the other councils then too, if we are part witch and vampire?” She really wanted to understand.
This time Marshall answered, “We are both alphas. And only the strongest werewolves are Alphas. So, whatever witch and vampire we have is minimal at best. It’s not enough for them to claim us.”
Confused, she asked, “I’m an alpha?”
Marshall nodded, “Not Alpha like me, as in, in charge of the pack. Alpha as in, personality and strength. Like, Aiden is an alpha male, but his position is the Beta of the pack.”