Page 127 of Dreams of Magic
“Oh, okay. I get it.”
Raven spoke up next, “Also, I don’t think the witch and vampire takes away from your pure werewolf blood. I think the witch part is just from the original witch and the vampire blood is in addition to what you already are. I’ve been doing a lot of research. I’ve found that you are part of two different lines of pure blood werewolves. At least as far as I can tell. That makes you very strong.”
She nodded, “Okay. One more question. When the council was here, they seemed like they thought the prophecy was a hoax, or just ramblings of a crazy person. Could that be possible? That maybe it’s not what we think?”
“Ah well,” Raven shrugged, “I can’t answer that with certainty. I’ve been looking for a relative of Aster’s, or someone who knew her. I’m hoping to find someone who can answer that. I don’t know if all of it or none of it is true, but Rhiannon hasn’t popped up for no reason. She thinks there is something to it so I’m not going to discount it just yet.”
That was a good point, “Okay. So, until we know, we assume it’s right.”
Raven nodded, “Exactly. Now, who’s picking the next movie?”
For the next few hours, they binge watched several movies, bouncing around between genres as each person made their choice.
They were watching Darren’s choice ofFast and the Furiouswhen someone’s phone started ringing loudly.
Marshall jumped up from his seat next to Sorcha and quickly pushed the pause button on the DVD player, then answered with a brisk, “Yes?”
Everyone waited quietly as the person on the other end spoke. Kenzie could see Marshall’s face change slightly, just a bit of anger slipping through.
The conversation lasted less than two minutes when Marshall snapped, “Fine. See you then.”
He hung up his phone and tossed it onto the couch in a burst of anger. Then turned to face the room, “The whole council is coming. Andre has called a meeting tonight. He is accusing us of murdering his pack members along with Tate’s. Both Alphas will be there.”
Aiden gently released Kenzie so he could stand, “Where is the meeting and when will the council be here?”
“The council will be here in an hour. We will handle that situation now. Then the meeting with Andre is at midnight, outside of pack territory. William didn’t say where.”
Kenzie pulled the blanket tighter around herself, trying to calm her nerves, “The council doesn’t really believe that we murdered those men, do they? It was self-defense.”
Aiden shrugged, “Andre and Tate still have the right to accuse us, even if they know the council will throw it out. They are probably going to try to take you two again or start a fight. “
She studied his face, “You think it’s a trap.”
He nodded, “Yes.”
“So, we’re not going to go then, right?”
Marshall shook his head, “We have to go. They issued an official accusation through the council. By law, we must appear, or we are automatically sentenced guilty.”
She threw the blanket off and stood, outraged, “That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. They have obviously been attacking us for weeks! The council already knows that! How could they side with them?”
“It gives both parties the opportunity to tell their side.” Aiden tried to take her hand, but she shrugged him off. She wasn’t in the mood for comfort.
She was too mad to see the reasonable side of the law, “They are giving Andre exactly what he wants. They are going to give us to him on a silver platter!”
Marshall stepped in front of her to stop her pacing, “They’re not. We won’t be going without protection and guards.” He turned to Raven, “Would you be willing to come with us as an extra magical hand, just in case?”
Raven grinned, “Sure. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to have a little fun.”
“We are not trying to start a war. The hope is that you won’t be needed, but I would rather be prepared.”
Raven waved a careless hand through the air, “Of course. But a small fight would still be fun.”
Marshall just shook his head and turned to the rest of the room, “We better start cleaning up. We don’t have a lot of time before they get here. We’ll have to finish the movie another time. Sorry guys.”
They spent the next few minutes folding blankets and cleaning up all the trash from the popcorn and drinks. There were also dishes from lunch, which Marilyn had kindly brought them a few hours ago.
Once everything was cleaned up, Cassie, Brianna and Darren headed out since they would not be included in the council business. Of course, Marshall would probably tell them later, but the council would never let them sit in.