Page 51 of Dreams of Magic
Kenzie started nodding, then asked, “Who is Raven?”
“She’s an old friend and a witch.” He stated.
Aiden knew Raven could be a little quirky, but she was a good person, “Isn’t she living in a cave somewhere in the Netherlands these days? How are you going to find her?”
Marshall smiled just a little, “Yes, but that’s nothing new. She goes there every couple of decades to get away from the council. I have her number. I’ll call her.”
“Okay. Let’s call her now. I don’t think this can wait.”
Kenzie squeezed his hand, “Thank you both for taking care of me. I’m okay now. Go call her. I’m going to jump back in the shower really quick. I appreciate the quick rinse, but I really need to shampoo my hair. Then we can decide what we’re doing.”
Marshall got up from the bed and Aiden followed, then said to her, “I’m going to run to my room for some clothes, then we will wait for you in the living room. Take your time.”
She nodded and headed for the bathroom. He tried really hard not to notice how short her robe was on her, or how amazing her legs looked, but couldn’t help it. She was beautiful.
Marshall tapped him on the back of the head, breaking his stare, “Come on Casanova.”
Aiden ran to his room and grabbed a new set of clothes without even looking. He dressed quickly and threw on his work boots, then returned to Kenzie’s room.
Marshall was sitting on the couch looking at his phone, so he dropped down next to him. He must have gone to his room and changed too, because he was no longer in his blood splattered clothes.
After scrolling through the names for a minute, Marshall clicked one and put the phone on speaker.
It rang a few times before a cheerful woman picked up, “Well hey there stranger, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
Marshall chuckled a little, “Hey there gorgeous, I need your help with something.”
“Right to it then. Okay, what can I do for you?” Her voice had turned less playful and more business.
“So, I recently came into some magic after meeting my sister and exchanging blood. We just found out there is some kind of prophecy about us, and we need to learn how to use our powers because apparently Andre has nefarious plans. And of course, all of this made me think of you.” He paused to take a breath, “So, can you help us?”
“Hm…” From the other end of the phone, they could hear some shuffling and a few bangs, like she was looking for something, “You said a prophecy about you and your sister?”
Marshall looked at Aiden, a bit of hope in his eyes, “Yes. Do you know about it?”
There was another thump that sounded like a book closing, “Maybe. Be here in an hour.” Then the line disconnected.
He looked back at Marshall, “Well, she’s friendly. How exactly are we going to get to the Netherlands in an hour?”
Marshall shrugged one shoulder, “I have a couple of travel tokens she gave me a few years ago in case I ever needed them.”
“Ah, okay great.” Travel tokens are little circles of glass, about the size of a quarter, that are infused with magic, and you can use them to travel.
Basically, you smash it while saying the name of where you want to go, and it will take you there.
Sounds easy right? Wrong. It pretty much feels like it sucks you into a tornado and then spits you out, after spinning you in circles so fast you feel like you’re going to rip apart or vomit, maybe even both. He hated traveling like that.
Chapter 14.
When she came out of the bedroom, Marshall and Aiden were standing around with another man that she didn’t recognize. Whatever they were talking about looked important but, even though she could listen in if she wanted to, decided not to bother. She didn’t care and if they wanted her to know, they would eventually tell her.
The shower had helped her feel human again, but she still felt hollow inside. She’d told Marshall not to feel responsible but couldn’t take her own advice. So now she would just have to live with it, and somehow, she needed to tell Uncle Jake. But since she wasn’t ready for that yet and might never be, she walked to the couch and plopped down to wait for the guys instead.
They knew she was there, so she sat quietly and waited.
The third man left, then Marshall and Aiden turned to her. Aiden walked over and sat down and took her hand, “Marshall got ahold of Raven, and we are going to leave in just a few minutes to go see her, if you’re up for it?”