Page 52 of Dreams of Magic
“Yes, I’m ready.” She was ready for anything that would help them take down Andre and destroy whatever plans he had. He had taken so much from her, and she refused to let him take anything else. She had the power to fight back and wasn’t going to waste it. She could feel the same determination coming from Marshall and Aiden.
She could also feel their sorrow. They were feeling her pain right along with her, and somehow, that made it a little more bearable. Knowing that someone else cared that her mom was no longer here, it really meant a lot.
Right now, all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and let the misery swamp her, to let her rage fester and grow, to get revenge. But they cared, really cared that she was hurting. It would be easier to give up, but her mom wouldn’t want that. So, for her, and Uncle Jake, and for the new people in her life, she would try to pick up the pieces and move forward.
She stood up, “So where are we going?”
Aiden snorted and glanced at Marshall, “Go ahead and tell her.”
“Raven lives in the Netherlands.” Marshall rubbed his hands down his face, then gave her a look she couldn’t quite decipher, though he felt amused, “How’s your stomach?”
“Um… It’s fine?” She said it like a question, not quite sure why he was asking.
Aiden chuckled, then told her, “We are using travelling tokens to get there. They basically make you feel like you’re in a tornado and then they spit you out, and not very gently.”
“Oh jeez. Marshall, if this makes me throw up, I’m going to be very upset seeing as I haven’t even eaten yet today.” Just then her stomach growled.
Marshall headed into the kitchen as he talked, “Shit, I totally forgot about food. Now that you’ve said something, I’m starving. I think we have enough time to whip something together.”
Kenzie watched as he opened the fridge and stuck his head in.
“Oh no way! It looks like Marilyn came in here at some point because you are all stocked up. How about a breakfast quiche? There’s a whole tray of them in here.” He sounded so excited about the food that it actually made her smile a little.
“Sure, that sounds great.”
Marshall took care of heating up one of the personal sized quiches for each of them, then they dug in. It was quiet while they ate, each of them in their own thoughts, but the silence was nice. It wasn’t weird or uncomfortable as silences can be. It was more like three people who enjoyed each other’s company sitting together, content to be quiet.
Oddly, after only a few days, she felt like she knew these men very well. She didn’t know if it was that they had a connection, or that she could feel them and their emotions, but she knew she could trust them and that no matter what, they would always be there for her.
Kenzie knew she could easily love them both, of course in different ways, but still. They were quickly taking pieces of her heart.
That scared her though. If she loved them, they could hurt her. The question was whether she could take that chance.
“Of course, you can. We would never hurt you Kenzie, and we already love you.” Marshall stated it like it was a fact.
She froze. The fork halfway to her mouth, shocked at what he just said. She knew she didn’t say it out loud because she’d been chewing. Holy shit, did he just read her thoughts?
“Shit…” Marshalls eyes got super round and he kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish, “I don’t look like a fish. Fuck!”
She watched as he stumbled up from his chair and backed away from them. A panicked look on his face. She glanced over at Aiden to see he looked completely confused.
“I’m not losing my mind you prick. I’m reading yours and Kenzie’s! Oh god, stop thinking!” Marshall put his hands over his ears like he was trying not to hear and looked around frantically, for what, she didn’t know.
Kenzie got up and walked over to him and gently pulled his hands down, “It looks like you have another power. Maybe we should leave now. It’s almost time anyway.”
Aiden quickly shoveled the rest of his food in his mouth, making him look like a chipmunk as he tried to chew it all. She rolled her eyes. Men were so ridiculous when it came to food. He could have just taken a minute to finish. Speaking of, she took one last big bite of her quiche, then threw the rest out and rinsed her dishes. Then turned back to Marshall.
“So how do we do this?” She asked.
Marshall glared at Aiden for a minute before he answered, making her wonder what exactly Aiden was thinking about.
“You don’t wanna know. Anyway, we need to go outside. We need an open space to use the tokens.” Marshall led the way with her and Aiden following behind.
Then Marshall turned around quickly, causing her to run into him, “Aiden Matthew if you do not stop thinking what you are thinking, I’m going to punch you. I don’t want that in my head asshole!”
Aiden burst out laughing, and Marshall growled. Kenzie put her hand on his chest and gently pushed him in the direction they were trying to go. Finally, he turned back around and continued through the house, mumbling under his breath as he walked.
She quietly whispered to Aiden, “Quit poking the bear. Sing the ABC’s or something.”