Page 75 of Dreams of Magic
“Get up Kenzie, we’re not here to nap!” Cassie yelled at her. She was a very pushy teacher, not allowing any kind of slack. When they first started, she told them that this was survival fighting, not play fighting. Then she proceeded to kick both her and Sorcha’s butts all over the training ring.
They had taken turns, and so far, they were both doing pretty poorly. When they started, she asked why they weren’t fighting as wolves. Cassie said they needed a foundation first, to understand the way their bodies moved as humans, then they would train as wolves. She said they might not always have time to change and needed to know they could handle themselves no matter what.
As Kenzie was glaring up into the sun, the light was suddenly blocked by someone’s head. Sorcha reached down and pulled her to her feet, “Come on, thankfully we are almost done for the day. I’m pretty sure I have bruises in places I didn’t know I had.”
Kenzie chuckled, “Girl, same! I’m gonna need an entire bottle of icy hot.”
“Tiger balm works better.” She said it with a cheeky grin, and both girls started giggling as they walked back over to Cassie.
“Cass, you’re enjoying this too much.” All three of them were dripping sweat, their clothes damp and dirty from the ground. She was also starving. She’d only grabbed a banana for breakfast since she’d been running late.
Cassie smiled, “Don’t worry, we’re done for the day. I need to go take a shower before I head to work. I’m gonna give you both some homework though. Practice your punches and blocking. If you want, you could ask one of the guys to show you if they’re not busy. But tomorrow we’ll be doing more sparring, so be ready at the same time.”
“Okay I’m sure we can do that.” Kenzie figured Marshall wouldn’t mind helping after they practiced with Raven later. She glanced at Sorcha, “I think I’m gonna grab some food before training with Raven and Marshall starts. I doubt Marshall would mind showing us a few things if you want to hang out?”
Sorcha’s face flushed a slight shade of red and she started fidgeting, “Um, I guess that would work if he doesn’t mind.”
Cassie smiled and hooked her arm through Sorcha’s, “He won’t mind. Now, I’m sure Marilyn has something delicious cooking.”
They ate quickly, not wanting to be late to meet Raven.
When they got back to the training ring, Raven was standing with Colin and a pretty brunette. It looked like they were arguing.
Sorcha touched her arm, “Maybe we should wait until they’re done.”
Kenzie could see Sorcha was nervous, her hands were shaking. She figured confrontations made her uncomfortable, so was more than happy to wait. But she was also feeling nosey, “How about we stay here until they are done, but we listen in.”
Sorcha smirked, “Sneaky. I like it.”
Kenzie adjusted her hearing so she could hear across the field but continued to face Sorcha so they wouldn’t notice.
Raven- “What the hell is your problem, Colin? They came to me, not you. Marshall and Christopher have been friends of mine for years, so of course I would help them.”
Colin- “You are a witch, not a wolf. Friends or not, your loyalty is to the coven. Any information you give them, gives them an advantage.”
Raven- “An advantage over what? We are allies. We are supposed to help each other! You’re going to help them too, so why is it a problem if I do?”
Colin- “You are not qualified..”
Another female voice cut Colin off, she figured it was the brunette. “Colin. Look Raven, you can help them. We are just going to be here to offer extra assistance. We don’t know what is going on with their magic, but wolves do not have magic. That makes this a problem. We need to find out how this is possible and how Andre ties into it. There is something bigger going on here than playing with magic.”
Raven snorted, “I do not play with magic! I’m older than you, Sabine! Just because you are on the council does not make you better than me.”
Sabine- “Perhaps not. But what does make me better is not making your mistakes. Your mistakes have cost many lives and I will not allow you to cause anymore!”
Colin- “Just accept it lass. You’re not in charge here, but we will let you take the lead for now.”
Raven huffed- “Fine.”
Just then Marshall walked up and threw his arm around Kenzie’s shoulder, “Good morning, ladies.”
Kenzie wrapped her arm around his waist, “Good morning. You ready for this? Apparently, the council members are joining us?”
“Ah yea, right. I was going to tell you, but I guess you already heard.”
She nodded toward Raven and the council members, “We were eavesdropping a little. And I ran into Colin first thing this morning and he mentioned it.”
“Okay, well that saves me some explaining then.” He motioned for Sorcha to come closer. She stepped forward and he spoke so low they could barely hear him, “Both of you need to be careful. It looks like we have a spy in our ranks. All the council is here, after they got word of the last few days’ events. Sorcha, I kept you out of it, but I can’t guarantee they won’t find out you knew Dimitri. I’m going to ask both of you not to give them any information. If they try to speak with you while I’m not there, call me, Dad or Aiden. Can you promise me that?”