Page 4 of One Big Secret
I nodded, grateful for my steadfast friends who held my trust and, above all, my heart. As I turned to wave goodbye to Mitch, I found he had already disappeared from view.
"Ladies, join me. My Cadillac is parked just over there somewhere," Papa announced, gesturing toward the cars.
As we neared the general vicinity where he claimed to have parked, it became apparent that his sense of direction was as amiss. "Papa, did you put the AirTag I bought you for your birthday on your car?" I asked, struggling to hold back a smile.
"Absolutely, sweetheart! I just... uh, can't remember how to locate it using my phone." He scratched his head, looking more than a little sheepish.
I rolled my eyes and took his phone, opening the Find My app. "It's right here, Papa. Just tap on the car icon."
Mum joined in, chuckling, "He's so hopeless with these modern gadgets. Good thing he has you, Amy, because I'm not much better."
Papa puffed out his chest, eager to salvage his dignity. "I'm not hopeless. I simply have more important things to concentrate on. Like ensuring you lovely ladies enjoy a delightful dinner."
Soon, my friends and I were giggling, squeezed together in the back seat. "Bella Vita is a five-star restaurant. I can't wait to taste their dishes," Mum informed us, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
As we drove, my thoughts drifted back to Mitch and my parents' treatment of him. Was it wrong to stand up for him? Did they have the right to treat Mitch that way when all he ever tried to do was protect me? Ariel appeared to sense my growing anxiety and rubbed my arm. "It'll be okay. Just relax and have fun." I nodded, resting my head against the window as we rounded a corner. Whatever the night brought, I knew I could always rely on Ariel and Meagan to support me.
Suddenly, a commotion broke out in the front seat as Papa hesitated when pulling a cigar from the console. Mum responded with a sharp gasp and a disapproving cluck of her tongue, scolding him, "No smoking now, dear! The girls shouldn't be subjected to your stinky cigars. Honestly, what were you thinking?"
My somber mood instantly lifted as I caught his reflection in the rearview mirror. With a dismissive wave and a slap to his forehead, he exclaimed apologetically, "Oh dear! How could I forget? You ladies must be famished. There's no time for a smoke."
Ariel and Meagan laughed at his contrition as we continued our journey. Papa was always entertaining and considerate—most of the time.
Soon, a half-bottle of wine had vanished in a flash, and Meagan was reaching for the bottle to pour herself another glass. "Thank goodness I can indulge in this again!" she declared, evidently feeling somewhat elated already.
Mum's eyes widened in astonishment as she asked, "Amy mentioned you have twins?!"
"I was breastfeeding my babies, but it became too much," Meagan remarked while taking a dainty sip of her wine. "My days revolved around eating and nursing, leaving no time for anything else. Eventually, I followed my doctor's advice and switched to formula. Since then, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders."
Mum patted Meagan's hand, "You must make time for yourself... and your hubby, of course."
Next thing I knew, Papa had overruled everyone's orders and instead requested nearly every dish on the menu. As a consequence, the waiter had to set up a couple of additional serving trays to accommodate all the food. "Papa, I hope you never change. This is why I love dining out with you... and for the entertaining conversation, too," I tactfully added.
While twirling her spaghetti around a spoon, Meagan inquired, "So, I've been swamped with the babies... have you secured a job yet? Last I knew, you were scheduling pre-interviews."
I dabbed my lips with a napkin before elaborating, "It's my nerves. You see, the sensation of confinement still triggers me, and being alone in an enclosed space with men who are strangers is not very comforting. In fact, most accounting firms I've come across have male interviewers."
"Oh, my gosh. I get it. As you know, my anxiety was awful after my accident and rehab," Meagan empathized.
"Oh, I heard about that." Mum chimed in, furrowing her brow with concern. “Amy used to keep me updated on your progress.”
Three bottles of wine were emptied in no time, and most plates were clean. My friends' expressions signaled they were full until I pondered aloud, "Papa, do you think their tiramisu might be as delectable as Mum's?"
Papa flashed me a broad grin as he signaled the waiter, "Time to find out!" he exclaimed excitedly.
Mum shook her head and laughed, "That's why you're the best Papa in the world!" Her words were met with unanimous agreement from all of us. For that moment, I felt fortunate to have such a loving family — my true friends who mattered more than anyone else ever could.
Suddenly, Meagan turned her attention to my parents and me, her face mirroring curiosity. "Amy," she started gently, "I've been so consumed by my own life that I never learned why you couldn't attend our housewarming party. I mean, I know you were kidnapped, and I’m so sorry. But can you give a brief rundown of what happened? Just the nitty-gritty."
I glanced over to Papa, my eyes seeking his approval, and he nodded. "Go ahead," he said reassuringly. "These women have a right to know the truth—as do the men they're married to."
With a deep sigh, Meagan lamented to my father, "The FBI is keeping all of us in the dark as if we're suspects or something."
"I completely understand. They haven't shared much information with us either," Papa admitted.
"Alright, it's my turn," I started, taking a quick sip of wine. "I fully intended to attend the party. Thankfully, I had already sent my gift, the pots and pans, with Ariel." Ariel blew a kiss in response and continued listening. "That morning, around ten, Mum called to tell me that Papa had been hospitalized due to heart issues. At the time, we didn't know the severity. Naturally, I booked a flight to Vail right away, planning to contact Mitch and you, Meagan, to explain the situation, but I never got the chance. Upon arriving in Vail, I requested an Uber to take me to the hospital. As I hopped in the car and we drove off, the driver diverted onto a side road. At first, I feared he was going to sexually assault me."
"Oh, God!" Meagan gasped.