Page 5 of One Big Secret
I held up my hand. "No, he didn't. Instead, he pressed a rag over my face. It had ether or something similar on it and I passed out. The next thing I knew, I was at what I now know was Mitch's chalet, tied up and gagged.
"He hit you too!" Mum chimed in, tossing her napkin on the table.
"Yes, he forced me to hold the sign, but I fought him. Then after taking some photos, he left in a hurry, and eventually, the police arrived to rescue me.”
"You saw his face then. Are you sure it was a man?" Meagan asked, holding her breath.
"Yes, but I think he was wearing a disguise when he picked me up and later put on a ski mask. He threw the mask on the floor when he left. It had a toupee inside.
Suddenly, Ariel pushed back her chair and came around the table to wrap her arms around me. "Thanks for sharing that. I know it was tough, sweetie.” I nodded, taking another bite of my dessert. "I have an idea. Why don't I ask Guy if Rosedale Tech can hire you? I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you worked remotely under the circumstances."
"Oh, would you? That would be amazing." We all clapped and celebrated as Papa ordered a bottle of Champagne.
"No need to worry about driving, Mr. Russo," Ariel reassured us. "I'll call our security detail to have them drive all of us home. You can leave your car here. Someone will gladly drive it back to the apartment for you tomorrow."
As I briskly towel dried myhair, drops of water splattered against my bathroom floor tiles like bullets hitting a target. The steam from the hot shower still lingered in the air, clouding the mirror like a smokescreen. I spun around to flick on the TV, hoping to catch the morning news and check the weather for the day. But my eyes widened in alarm as I glimpsed the time displayed on the screen. "Hell's bells!" I exclaimed, realizing that today was a Monday, which meant an earlier start to our workweek.
I scrambled to throw on my clothes, my mind racing with thoughts of Amy's parents and their treatment of me after her graduation. Being with her for the ceremony had been a blast. I could still see her sparkling eyes as she proudly accepted her diploma in her cap and gown. But that feeling was short-lived.
I chucked the remote at my bed, my frustration boiling over. The last two nights, I'd been tossing and turning, stewing over her parents' audacity. When I'd flown to Vail through a freaking snowstorm to help out, Elana had barely given me the time of day. And to top it off, both her parents had made it crystal clear that they didn't want me around for the post-ceremony celebrations. It was enough to make a guy see red. I mean, I was a damn part owner in a multi-million-dollar company!
"Couldn't they see that I could help their daughter if they'd let me?" I muttered to myself, seething with anger. It was unfair, especially considering all the blood, sweat, and tears I'd poured into getting to where I was. I was ambitious, driven, and successful, and damn it, I wanted to explore a relationship with Amy.
I yanked my wrinkled pants and shirt on, my fingers fumbling with my tie as I tried to compose myself. The guys at work would see right through me if I let my emotions get the best of me. I had a reputation for being impulsive and hot-headed, and I didn't want to give them any more ammunition. With a deep breath, I nodded to my security guard Mike and headed out – determined to keep a lid on my temper.
The morning commute was a nightmare, and I felt like I was driving through molasses. I parked my Lexus next to Chase's Escalade and bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time to burn off some energy. When I reached the second floor, I saw that the break room was deserted. Everyone was gathered in the conference room for our staff meeting. Daniel was fiddling with the sound system at the podium as I strode in. I made a beeline for the front table where my partners were seated and set up my laptop with a confident flourish. Chase shot me a concerned look, furrowing his brow. "What's eating you, man?"
"I just can't fathom it," I muttered, irritation dripping from my words. "Why do Amy's parents despise me so vehemently?" I kept my voice low, mindful of Courtney's ears lurking nearby.
Chase shook his head. "Dunno, man, but you've gotta let it go. You're well aware you weren't complicit in her misfortune."
I acquiesced with a nod, but the tightness in my gut remained. It pained me that Amy's parents couldn't perceive my innocence and the depth of my concern for her.
"If only they'd grant me an opportunity," I murmured, overcome with defeat.
Chase's hand landed on my shoulder, reassuring me. "Don't let it get to you. They'll change their tune eventually. Meanwhile, we've got more pressing matters."
"What are you talking about? What have I missed?"
He gestured toward the profit and loss statement Daniel had just projected onto the widescreen, awash with more red than green. "Seems our plate is rather full. Let's get down to business, shall we?"
I exhaled heavily and endeavored to concentrate on our enterprise. As I kneaded the nape of my neck in a bid to dispel my worries regarding Amy's parents, I vowed that, come what may, I'd persuade her that dating me was in her best interest. The notion of brushing against those plush, inviting lips remained an uncharted fantasy— for the time being.
The meeting plodded on, delving into accounting records and sales forecasts. I strained to focus on the figures and diagrams, yet my thoughts persistently drifted to Amy. Her laughter reverberated in my ears, and her radiant, welcoming grin seemed to materialize at each turn of my mind. Her parent's disapproval notwithstanding, I couldn't dismiss the sensation that we were destined for one another.
Daniel's voice yanked me back to the present as I meandered through my daydream. "Mitch," he cried, "Can you please inform us of any updates you've received from our attorney, Joe Vandenberg?"
I blinked, feeling mortified and exposed. I had been so engrossed in my thoughts that I hadn't registered the query. "Uh," I faltered, shaking my head to dispel the haze. "I've yet to hear from Joe, but I trust he'll have something for us shortly."
Daniel's brow furrowed. "On Friday, you mentioned an update for today's meeting..."
"Ah, yes. Apologies," I admitted, chagrined anew. "I'll touch base with him tonight and ensure we obtain an update promptly."
Chase interceded, casting me a pointed glance. "All right, folks," he announced briskly. "Let's wrap this up. Lunchtime has arrived."