Page 104 of Janessa
Will didn’t have much more experience with starting a relationship than she did, but he didn’t really want to discuss his time with Daphne. “From what I understand, some people prefer to go on dates for awhile before deciding they’re going to commit to dating each other exclusively.”
“And do you feel like you need to date for a bit before deciding that with me?”
“No. I was already pretty certain about how I felt when I asked you out.”
“It’s not that I feel… uncertain about you, but more about my ability to do what it takes to maintain a relationship. I have no experience to help me be a good judge of how I’m doing.”
Will gave Janessa’s fingers a light squeeze, then lifted her hand to press a kiss to the back of it. “There are only two people in this relationship. You and me. We decide what works for us, not anyone else. We do what makes you comfortable. There’s no rush for anything.”
“So you’re not mad that I haven’t wanted to tell our families yet?”
“Not at all.” And he wasn’t. Will understood not wanting to rush into things. Usually, he was the one taking things slowly. So even though he was ready to move forward in telling people they were dating, he didn’t blame Janessa at all for wanting to take a bit more time.
“I’m just positive that everyone is going to want to have a say in things once they know,” Janessa said with a sigh.
“They can say whatever they want, but it’s you and me who will know what’s best for us.”
There had been times since his breakup with Daphne when Will had wondered if he’d had what it took to have a successful relationship. Now that his heart had settled on Janessa, he felt confident that they could make it work if they both were committed to it.
After their second date at the theater and the evening at the basketball game, Janessa felt both more confident and more worried about things with Will. Given the opportunity to flourish, her feelings for Will had grown rapidly. It had been like taking a plant out of the dark, setting it in bright sunlight and watering it regularly.
But now, the strength of her feelings worried and even scared her a little. If each time they spent together, her feelings grew stronger, she was going to be in so deep that pain seemed inevitable.
A knock on her door pulled her attention from her phone, where she’d been looking at a couple of the pictures that they’d taken at the theater. Their first official photos together as a couple.
“Come in,” she called out as she shut off the display on her phone.
Considering there were only two other adults currently in the house, it wasn’t a surprise when Aria poked her head around the door. “What are you doing?”
“Just phone surfing, getting ready for the week ahead.”
Aria came in and plopped down on the loveseat next to Janessa. “It’s supposed to be cold tomorrow. Not looking forward to that.”
“Welcome to winter,” Janessa said with a laugh. “It’s going to be around for a bit.”
“I just have to remind myself that cold weather signals it’s time for sweaters and fireplace fires.”
“Always good to think positively,” Janessa said. “And I agree. Sweaters and fires are the best things about this time of year.”
Aria glanced at her. “So, is there anything interesting going on in your life?”
Janessa wondered if Aria had a specific purpose for her visit. “Now that the Fall Dinner is over, there’s not too much going on.”
“Really?” Aria’s skepticism was very clear in her voice. “You’ve been going out more than usual. I thought maybe you had joined another committee or something.”
“No more committees at the moment,” Janessa said. “I’ve had my fill of them for awhile.”
“You wouldn’t join one, even if Will did?”
Janessa shrugged. “Would all depend on the committee. I’m in no hurry to a part of another one, honestly.”
“Okay, fine.” Aria sighed in apparent exasperation. “What’s going on with you and Will?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, people have been kind of suspicious…”