Page 105 of Janessa
“Of?” Janessa was going to find out exactly what was prompting Aria’s questions before she confirmed or denied anything.
“You guys seem to be spending more time together than usual.”
“A lot of that has been because of the Fall Dinner.” Janessa wondered what exactly had aroused Aria’s suspicions. She and Will had been careful. Or at least she’d thought they had.
Aria narrowed her eyes at Janessa. “Come on. I thought we were supposed to be best friends.”
“We are,” Janessa assured her.
“Then why won’t you tell me what’s going on with you and Will?”
“Maybe inquisitive, opinionated friends and family keep people from sharing certain things until they were absolutely sure it was the right time to do so.”
“Do you think that people would have a problem with you and Will dating?”
“No clue. I haven’t asked anyone.”
“I doubt anyone would, if you want my opinion.”
“Have you all been talking about this?” Janessa asked, not surprised but still a little annoyed.
“Maybe?” Aria sighed. “A friend of Charli’s saw you and Will together in Will’s car on Friday. But we already had some suspicions.”
Janessa rolled her eyes. Of course, someone had seen them. Probably the only way they could have avoided that was if they’d taken separate cars. Or maybe Janessa should have hidden in the trunk until they were out of Serenity.
“Fine.” Janessa sighed. “Yes. We’ve been on a couple of dates.”
Aria’s eyes lit up. “That’s amazing!”
Janessa couldn’t help but smile. “It is.”
“I am so happy for you both. I think you’ll be great together.”
“I hope so, because neither of us is looking for a broken heart.”
“What made you decide to date Will?” Aria asked. “I mean, you’ve never had a serious relationship before.”
“I’ve always had a bit of a crush on Will,” Janessa said. “He tutored me in math when we were in high school, so I spent a fair amount of time with him.”
“But you never dated?”
“I don’t think he saw me as anything other than Jay’s little sister, and I was okay with that.”
“You never told me anything about that,” Aria said.
“As far as I was concerned, it was a non-issue. Nothing was ever going to come of it because I was sure that Will would never look at me romantically.”
“But now he has?”
“I guess so.”
“You guess so?” Aria frowned at her. “Who made the first move?”
“He did.”
“Then I’d say he definitely has.”
“I didn’t agree to go out with him when he first asked, but he was patient.”