Page 25 of Kayleigh
They certainly had a longevity that his father hadn’t managed to achieve. At least not yet. He’d made it to almost seventeen years with Candace, so it was possible they might make it to twenty. It was his longest marriage yet. Maybe the fourth time would be the charm.
“Bye, you two,” Janessa called out as she walked toward the door with a couple of drink trays and a bag. “Hope to see you later, Hudson.”
He lifted a hand in response, then watched as she left the coffee shop. When Kayleigh had mentioned having some adopted siblings, Hudson hadn’t even considered that they might be of a different race. It made him curious about the other adopted children in her family.
“We should probably get back to the resort,” Kayleigh said as they finished the last of their coffees.
“How bad would it be if I got another coffee to go?” Hudson asked.
“From Adela’s point of view, not bad at all.”
Hudson chuckled, then got to his feet and went back to the counter. Adela beamed at him as he approached, and soon, he had another large cup of coffee in hand, along with a bag containing a few more pastries.
Getting more sweets hadn’t been his intention, but he was apparently weak when it came to chocolate croissants. Even if he was eating them in Serenity Point, Idaho and not in Paris, France.
They made it back to the resort just before noon, and Hudson left Kayleigh to get on with her workday while he went to his suite to do some work of his own. Before leaving him, Kayleigh had given him the address for Janessa’s house, telling him they usually ate around five-thirty.
Back in his suite, Hudson sat down at the table where he’d left his laptop earlier. He knew Alexander would want an update, but Hudson didn’t feel like talking to him. Instead, he gathered his thoughts about his conversations with Kayleigh and the meeting with the police, then began to type up a report.
Halfway through, his phone rang. Glancing at the screen, he saw it was the man from the security department in New York.
“Hey, Hudson,” the man said when Hudson answered. “After talking with my best guy here, we think maybe you need someone who specializes in hacking as they’ll know better what to look for. And we think that might be better outsourced.”
“I’m all ears,” Hudson said, picking up the pen he’d been using earlier to jot down his thoughts.
“There is someone who will probably be great at getting into the system there and keeping an eye on things. We’ve reached out and given him your information to see if he’s available.”
“Is there a possibility he won’t be?” Hudson asked. He wasn’t used to people not being able to do work for Remington.
“I don’t know the guy myself, so I’m not sure.”
“Do we have other options if this guy can’t help?”
They talked for a few more minutes before ending the call. Rather than return right away to the report for Alexander, Hudson stared out the window next to where he sat. Tapping his pen on the notepad, he considered whether going this route was absolutely necessary.
However, something told him that whoever was behind this wasn’t done with their maneuvers. If their goal was to cause harm to the hotel, they’d continue because so far, it hadn’t beenthatdetrimental. His presence there was to try to prevent further events from occurring, so that the situation didn’t get to the point where the harm was more significant.
His phone rang just as he was turning his attention back to the report, making it almost feel like the world was conspiring against him getting it written. It was a blocked number, so he hesitated to answer it, but since it could be the computer expert, he had to take the chance.
“Hudson St. James?”
“Hi. My name is Roman. You were referred to me for a computer system problem you’re having.”
“Yes.” Hudson took the time to lay out everything that had been happening. “We want to know if you’d be able to figure out how someone was able to circumvent the security cameras that we have all over the resort.”
“Possibly. I’d need to have a look around your system.”
“Would you need to come here to do that?”
“Nope. I’d just need to get some information in order to log in. Do you trust your head of security there? Do you think he’s involved in any way?”
Hudson thought of the man he’d met, and Kayleigh’s absolute faith in him. “To be honest, I don’t know him well. I’m here from headquarters to investigate what’s going on. Mario, the head of security, has worked for Remington for several years, but he’s only been at this location for a couple of years.”
“Okay. I’ll run a background check on him before contacting him. If there’s a chance that he’s involved, I’d rather that he not know that the system is being looked at or watched.”