Page 26 of Kayleigh
Hudson ran a hand over his head. “How will you get into the system if you don’t have the password?”
Roman chuckled. “I don’t actually need that information to get into a system.”
“Ah… hacking?”
“I don’t tend to call it hacking when I’ve been given permission to get into the system using whatever methods necessary.”
“Well, I give you permission,” Hudson said.
“I’d rather go in using the security credentials, so I’ll wait to see what the background check shows.”
Hudson gave him Mario’s phone number at the hotel, then Roman gave him an email address he could use to contact him. Apparently, he didn’t hand out his phone number to just anyone, not even someone of Hudson’s position in the company.
Alexander would have demanded Roman give him his phone number—and maybe he would actually get it—but Hudson preferred not to introduce antagonism into the working relationship he was trying to establish with the man.
“I appreciate your help with this,” Hudson said. “And I look forward to hearing what you learn.”
They ended the call, and Hudson once again tried to focus on his report. He managed to get it written, but before he could read through it—as he always did before sending it off to Alexander—his phone rang yet again.
This time, it was Kayleigh’s number that showed up, so Hudson didn’t hesitate to answer it.
“We’ve had another situation arise,” Kayleigh said after he greeted her.
“Another theft?”
“Not this time. I got calls from the chefs at our restaurants. The orders they’d placed with our food and produce supplier arrived and were completely wrong. When they contacted the company, they were told that someone had called a couple of days ago to change the standing order.”
“And the company just did that without any verification?”
“The person emailed them an updated form with a purchase order number that was similar to the previous PO number.”
“Did they give a name?”
“Yes. The name they gave was one of the sous-chefs, but he denied contacting the supplier.”
“And you believe him?” Hudson asked as he leaned back in his chair, stretching out his legs.
“I do, because why would he give his real name if he was planning to screw everything up? Doing that would cost him his job, and that doesn’t make any sense.”
Hudson had to agree. “But it just goes to show that this person—whoever they are—knows the ins and outs of this resort. How else would they know who to call and what name to use?”
Kayleigh sighed. “Yeah. I just don’t want to think that someone we work with would do something like this.”
“It could also be someone who works here but is getting someone else to do their dirty work. They could be handing off all this information to another person.”
“Not any better, to be honest. It still means that there’s someone here trying to wreak havoc on the resort.”
“How bad is this current situation?”
“I’ve sent a couple of people off to shop for the items the restaurants need, and the chefs are trying to come up with specials for the weekend that include large amounts of eggplant, bananas, and canned tomatoes, among other things.”
“Oh boy,” Hudson said. “Are they threatening to quit?”
“The chef from the French restaurant is, but he threatens to quit at least once a day. The other chefs are muttering curses down on the head of whoever did this, but they’re not quitting yet. I’ve talked to them both, and I think they’ll be okay. We’re going to take a loss on the food since we’re going to need to pay full price for the food the chefs need for the next couple of days. We’ll get an order from the wholesaler on Monday.”
Hudson appreciated that although Kayleigh seemed exasperated, she didn’t seem frazzled by what had happened. She was taking the situation in stride, only calling him after she’d handled it.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Hudson asked.