Page 5 of My Unexpected Mate
“Well, Aria, here is your key. If you need anything, please feel free to ask. I would do anything for a beautiful girl like you,” he winked at me.
Humans find us supernatural beings quite attractive and are drawn to us naturally. Vampires benefit the most from this.
“Thank you…,” I paused and looked at him waiting for him to tell me his name.
“Ian,” he said and gave me a huge smile.
“Thank you, Ian,” I smiled and walked into my room.
Ian closed my door and walked away. I locked the door and threw my bag on the bed. I wanted to take a shower and sleep until morning. I wasn’t even hungry. My emotions were forming knots in my belly, and I felt tears forming. I lost my grandma today.
I let the tears fall and sat on the bed. I have never felt more alone. I let myself cry until I felt a bit better.
I got up and went to the bathroom. There was a tub. Perfect. Even better than a shower stall. I made myself a hot, bubbly bath and got in. Hot water soothed my sore muscles and relaxed me.
I caught myself thinking about the man I ran into earlier. I felt like I knew him. He was somehow familiar. I know it is impossible. I had never seen him before. I never left the village before today and I knew everybody who lived there. On a few occasions when we had a visitor, everybody knew who it was. This man never came to my village. I was sure. But I still had a feeling that I knew him.
I was surprised he didn’t hand me to the inquisitors. He had the chance. He knew right away what I was, and he could have caught me when I started to run from him, but he didn’t. I was thinking hard and then it hit me.
He was a warlock. Of course. His smell. I hadn’t noticed it there because I was scared and wanted to get away from him as soon as possible. But he was definitely a warlock. That’s why he didn’t want to catch me.
I felt relieved. At least I don’t have to worry about him looking for me. I don’t want to see him again. He was cold and threatening. He scared me.
I got out of the tub, brushed my teeth, put on an old shirt I liked to sleep in and got under the covers. It was only 6:30 pm but I was very tired.
I fell asleep instantly, but the image of my burnt home haunted my dreams.
CHAPTER THREE - Who the Hell is She?
Gabriel’s POV
What the fuck was that? I stormed into my house and headed straight to the fridge. I grabbed a beer and chugged. I was pissed out of my mind. Who the hell is she?
After she ran away from me and I managed to pull my head out of my ass, I quickly got in my car and tried to find her. I was out of luck, of course. After an hour of driving around the town like a crazy person, I decided to go home. I was risking being caught by those fire-loving fuckers.
I had seen a lot of pretty women in my life. Fucked a lot of them. But never in my life was I frozen and speechless by just looking into the eyes of one. It was driving me crazy.
What confused me, even more, was that I didn’t want to fuck her. I mean, she was gorgeous. Small, curvy, silky hair, round lips, and those mesmerizing green eyes. But I didn’t want to fuck her. I just wanted to be with her. Talk to her. Protect her. And that scared the crap out of me.
I even thought she charmed me. I mean she was a witch after all. But I would have recognized the spell being thrown my way. My grandma taught me well. And if she wanted me, she would have stayed. She looked like she couldn’t get away from me fast enough. It definitely wasn’t a spell. But what was it then?
“FUCK,” I screamed and threw a beer bottle into the wall.
I need to calm down. I went upstairs and took a cold shower. I stayed under the cold water long enough to freeze my bones. I was finally calm enough to go downstairs and order a pizza. I hadn’t eaten anything today and if I wanted to drink hard liquor tonight, I had to be prepared.
I glanced at the clock in my kitchen. It was 8 pm. Nick would probably come around 9:30. The club opens at 10 and we had to go through security first.
The owner, Sebastian Davis, a vampire, was my old boxing coach. He always said I was like a son to him. He and his wife Eva couldn’t have children. He started coaching me when I was just 7 years old and was my coach until I quit about a year and a half ago. So, I understood why he thought of me as his child. He was a big part of my life and he watched me growing up. I don’t see him as my family. He was an okay guy, but the vampire thing always gave me the creeps. He was a great coach though, and he was an even better provider of fun nights and unlimited alcohol for me and Nick. The only thing he asked in return was for me to sort out any fights that occur in the club. He says I should at least use what he taught me if I was going to empty his fridge.
I ordered a pizza and opened a beer. I was going to drown those green eyes in so much alcohol today that I won’t remember them tomorrow. That was the best damn plan I could think of.
When I finished eating, I went to my bedroom to find something to wear. I ended up wearing blue jeans and a black shirt. I was just tying my shoelaces when I heard doors opening downstairs.
“Gabe, for fuck’s sake, what the hell happened here?” Nick yelled.
I knew he was referring to the broken beer bottle I didn’t clean up.
“I had a small anger issue,” I answered, coming downstairs.