Page 6 of My Unexpected Mate
“Why now?” he frowned.
I debated if I should tell him about her. He could help me find her. If I even wanted to. If she managed to fuck me up in those 10 seconds I saw her, I didn’t want to know what she would do to me if she was around me longer.
“Earth to Gabriel?” Nick said, waving his hands in front of my face.
“Stop that. I will tell you,” I caught his hands and gestured towards the couch.
“Sit. You want a beer?”
“Yeah man, sure. You are freaking me out. What happened?” he looked worried.
I grabbed two beer bottles from the fridge and sat on the sofa.
“I met a girl today,” I sighed.
Nick laughed, “That’s it? Man, I thought somebody died. Why are you this angry? What’s got your panties in a bunch?” he teased.
I looked at him coldly.
“Wow, Gabe, chill. No need to look at me like that. Tell me what happened.”
I quickly told him about her and when I finished, he was intrigued.
“Well, I never saw you this worked up over a girl. Are you sure you don’t want to fuck her? Because I will man. She sounds delicious,” he said, licking his lips.
The intensity of rage that hit me after what he said surprised even me. Delicious? Was he a fucking vampire?
“You. Will. Not. Touch. One. Hair. On. Her. Head,” I said, emphasizing each word.
I must have looked terrifying because for the first time in my life I saw Nick feared me. I quickly tried to get a grip on my emotions. I didn’t want to make Nick feel uncomfortable. I don’t know what was happening to me.
“Gabriel, man, it was just a joke. I will not touch her with a ten-foot pole, okay?” he said carefully.
“Sorry, Nick. I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” I sighed.
“It’s okay, man. Look, let's go out tonight. Let’s get drunk, fuck something and first thing tomorrow morning I will help you find her. You said she had a pretty big bag with her, right?” he asked.
“Maybe she just came into the city. Maybe she is staying in a hotel. We could start asking around in some of the hotels near that hair salon,” he suggested.
It actually wasn’t a bad idea. I could look for her. Try to find out who she was. Why did she mess me up this much? I’m still not sure if I even want to find her. Maybe I will be smarter in the morning.
“Yeah, Nick. That’s a great idea man. Thanks.”
“Anytime bro. Let’s go. We are so going to get fucked up tonight.”
We left my house and hopped in Nick’s car. Tonight, I was drinking and fucking. Tomorrow, I will find her.
Aria’s POV
The first thing that came into my head when I woke up was that I wasn’t in my bed. I don’t remember going anywhere last night. Where was I? My dreams were terrible. I dreamt of fire, death, and walking aimlessly around the woods.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw a hotel room. I started to remember what had happened yesterday. My grandma was gone. My village didn’t exist anymore. I was in Moon City trying to find Claudia Richardson and my childhood friend Annie. Tears started falling down my cheeks. It wasn’t a dream. I turned to my side and hugged my knees. I was alone.
The reality of the events that happened yesterday hit me like a ton of bricks. I was alone in a city filled with hunters trying to find my friend who I haven’t spoken to in years and a woman who I don’t even know. I wasn’t ready for this. I was going to make a mistake and end up tied to a pole in the middle of a city square.
I couldn’t breathe. I got up and ran to a window. I opened it and took a few deep breaths. It calmed me a bit.