Page 20 of Running
Knives at the ready, me and three of my men creep down the hallway to intercept the Cartel men. My hand itches for my gun. We need things quiet and guns make a hell of a lot of noise.
A large number of the extended family work here. We need to protect them. To a degree it also makes it easier. There is about to be a bloodbath and we can call them in to help clean up any mess made.
Elena had stayed with her father, mother, and grandparents. To help keep the innocent safe, Elena had distracted the nursing staff by messing with the alarms on several of the patient’s equipment and looped the camera feeds so security wouldn’t be alerted. No one critical. All harmless fun or so she said. Bosco and her used the distraction to move her mother to a bed down the hall. One that wasn’t associated with her undercover identity. They should be secure there. Several of the remaining guards are hiding in plain sight along the hall nearby.
Dad and I have split up. I am to capture or kill the two men. Before leaving, Elena showed us that they were creeping up a back stairwell. My dad was going to secure the cars and exit point. Elena's mom was stable to travel. While we worked our exit plan, Bosco was quickly getting the mansion prepped for Violet. We already had a sterile room in the basement with a few beds and equipment.
Even though we had the hospital at our disposal, having a medical room was necessary. There were certain high ranking members we still couldn’t take the risk of sending them to a hospital. There were security risks. As evident by the situation we are currently in. Hospitals are hard to fortify without casualties.
The compound’s room was now being turned into a surgical suite. Once we get out of here, and Elena and Violet are back at the house, Doc can work on testing Violet's family to see if any are a match. Once he finds it, he can perform the surgery immediately.
And Elena would be moved in upstairs.
Right next to my bedroom.
Fuck me.
That little vixen has no idea what is in store for her. I just pray she is as trustworthy and loyal as her father seems to think. I trust my Don, but love make people do crazy things. Bosco loves Violet. There is no doubt he always has. It wasn’t a big secret in his inner circle. He didn't keep photos of Ravinia in his office. He had one of Milan on his desk and Violet's in his drawer and in his wallet. She went with him everywhere in spirit, though most of us never knew her name. We saw her presence even when he didn’t speak of her.
Elena has no bond to him aside from blood and DNA, and every reason to hate him and the family. So far her information has been true and beneficial to us. Only time will truly tell if she intends to be loyal permanently.
Creeping into the stairwell, we worked our way down. A door slams above us. I slam back against the wall to hide. My men do the same. All our weapons held up high, ready to strike if the intruder isn’t a friendly. The whizzing of a bullet shot through a silencer slices through the air. I duck though I’m sure if I was the one being aimed at, I would have felt the hit by now.
A body falls from above us and slams into a railing a few levels down. I look over the railing at the body. Screw the knife. I pull out my gun. It isn’t one of our men.
“You're welcome.” Sings Elena from above us. I twist to look up the stairs and see her gun still smoking in her hand from the floor her mother was on. “Little bastard was hiding out as a janitor.” Her eyes grow wide. “Duck!” She aims her gun right at me.
Fuck. I grunt as I dive back under the cover of the stairs. Another shot from her gun rings out. Followed closely by a third.
“Shit. I'm rusty. All clear.” She says as she comes stomping down the stairs. Sliding the last few steps on the rail. “Took me two shots.” She moves past me.
What has this girl gone through? She hasn’t batted an eye at killing anyone. Blood and violence are my life. It is the way of the Mafia men. Not our women. We protect and cherish our women and children.
I have to remember that Elena didn’t grow up in this. She grew up on the run. Moving around constantly to outsmart the hit-men chasing after her. I’m beginning to see that she may have just as much, if not more blood on her hands than me.
That thought makes me want to take the gun from her and order her back to her mother’s room so I can keep her hands from getting dirtier. The other part of me wants to push her against the wall and explore her body with my hands and tongue. I want to ravage the woman who is to be my queen.
I never saw myself as wanting the strong and independent type. I like control. Both at work and in the bedroom. For Elena I can concede some power. It could be hot having her fight for control in the bedroom. Sometimes. Not every time. She’ll learn.
With some training she may also do well to reign at my side. She has some rough edges. If she lets me, I can smooth them down. I think. I never wanted to try with Milan. I was content with my plan to ignore her unless necessary to interact. With Elena. I want her. All of her. Maybe a little less crazy and fewer bullets.
Together we go down the stairs. I have to fight with her a bit to get her to stay behind me. “Really Luca? Are you that misogynistic you need the female to stay behind you?”
I swipe my hand down my face. “No. I need the fucking long lost princess to stay alive so her father doesn't kill me.”
“Oh right. Sorry. New to this. I'm usually a one woman show.” She replies.
I turn, grab her by the arms and push her against the wall. Her breathing hitches. Her eyes flash with warning. If I’m not careful she may shoot me. It might be worth it. I step into her space further. Letting the warmth of my body blanket hers. I drop my forehead to hers. “You need to get used to having me around.”
“Yeah, no thanks.” She squirms but makes no real effort to escape me.
“Not asking permission princess.” I give her a quick kiss on the lips. Her eyes go wide. I release her quickly and take a step back.
Stunned into silence. I will have to remember to kiss her often in the future if this is the result. I turn and signal the men to continue down the stairs. My ears listen for the opening of doors or the sounds of distance footsteps. I hear neither as we come up on the bodies Elena dropped.
One of the soldiers behind me gags. “What the fuck!” He says with a heavy breath.
I look back at Elena. She's smiling at her handy work. “You said you missed.” I say while trying to understand what she meant. I don’t see how she did. The second man is missing both his eyes. Two near perfect holes where his eyes once were. What was she aiming for if that was a miss?