Page 21 of Running
“I did miss.” She says as she steps around the body. “I was aiming for his third eye.” She pokes me in the forehead as though to bring her point home. I slap her hand away.
“Let's go little psycho.” I say with a nudge to her shoulder.
“I think I'd prefer Princess Psycho.” She smiles deviously at me. Devious or not. I like her looking at me like that. “Like you said. Better get used to it.” I huff a laugh, so do the guards.
We make it down to bottom of the stairs. My lead guard quickly takes out the last assailant. He was waiting to ambush us. Stupid fuck. He never stood a chance.
My phone vibrates in my pocket. “All clear.” I say as I read the message sent from my father. I type back that it’s clear on our end too. I give a look to Elena who is scanning the cameras on her phone. She looks up and gives me a thumbs up.
I call Bosco and let him know he can get them moving Violet.
Elena’s phone rings. Shit. Do I need to take that back? I look over at her screen. Where the name of the incoming caller would be is a message that reads “8 min - incoming hot.”
“Fuck!” Growls Elena as she answers the phone and begins talking quickly and jumping back and forth between English and what sounds like French.
Who is this woman? And who the hell is working for her?
"TWICE IN ONEday. This isn't good.” Luna and I are strictly business right now. No pleasantries are exchanged.
“Three SUVs. Coming from the West. I've got grid lock on all roads. They are taking alleys and driving on sidewalks.” Luna pauses as I hear her rapidly typing on her keyboard. “There are six driver assist vehicles that I have been able to hack and am getting them into position to block their path. I can't be certain but I think it will buy you five to six minutes on top of the eight, well now seven.” I look up at a camera in the corner. It's a habit when I speak to Luna. I know she is watching my every move as we speak. It brings me comfort though I can’t see her back.
“Were moving now. Can you give us green lights to the compound?”
“I'll try to work my magic.”
Knowing she’s multitasking over a dozen things. I feel my back for my bag. Still there. Good. “I can take over lights in six minutes. Just need my mom in the car.” I switch to speaking French without thinking. Luna and I do it from time to time. It started out as practice while she was in France and I was studying it for my high school diploma. Even though I was home schooled most of the time and no one knew nor cared what second language I took, I had to be the little rebel and not take Spanish which is a more common second language in the places we’ve been.
“Good. You've got your tablet turned on?”
“Of course.”
“Awesome. I'll have the program open when you get in the car.”
“You're the best.”
“Don’t I know it.” Call ends.
I look to Luca. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time. He’s probably wondering why I was speaking in French. Curious what I might be hiding. I’m hiding a lot. Just nothing in that conversation.
I find I like pushing his buttons. And that kiss. It may have been nothing but a meeting of lips, yet it has my blood boiling with desire. I want him. I hate to say it. This is not the time to get a crush. Besides, he and I could never work. He is my father’s right hand man. He grew up in the family while I’ve been running from it. And will continue to run after this is all over. I needed my mom safe, and with Bosco she will be. Santo is no longer a problem. Once I take care of the Cartel, the family will be safe and I can move on. To what, I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll join Luna and go on her next adventure.
We get mom and everyone into the three vehicles. We break away from each other as we speed down the road. There are guards in the front seats of all the vehicles. Their weapons out and ready to fire.
Mom and Bosco are in the first car. My grandparents and Ricco in second. Luca and I in third. Before we leave the parking lot, I have my tablet out. True to her word, Luna has my programs open and ready for me. Looking at the traffic controls first, I can see we have all green lights to the compound. It seems as though all other lights are red. It’s creating a grid lock that will take hours for the city to fix. It should slow down any cars that may chase us.
As we speed through the streets. I turn every light we pass back to red. “Are you doing this?” Asks Luca.
“Yes, now shh. No talking.” I give him a nudge as he tries to lean into my space.
Luca turns from me and addresses Massimo. “Tell the guards we will be coming in hot. Be ready at the gate. Castle is on high alert.” Massimo nods his head and pulls out his phone to send off the message. “Call a second enforcer. I need him to pick up a few people for me.”
I keep an ear to what he is saying while I continue to search the street cameras for threats. If they get through the lights or are smart enough to get motorcycles to drive on the sidewalks I need to know so I can intervene.
Luca spouts off my Aunt and Uncle's names and addresses along with a cousin's school name. “Get them back to castle. They are family. They may struggle. Tell them Violet's home. They will know what that means.”