Page 121 of The Wild Card
She quickly composes herself and regains her confident posture, hurriedly changing the subject. “How about a toast? To new sisters-in-law and partners-in-crime!” She captures me in a one-armed hug and I lift my own drink.
Emma joins in with her raised glass. “And to new book ideas I wasn’t expecting.” She winks at me.
Meghan smiles, clinking her glass to ours. “And to love. The kind of love that creeps out of nowhere when you least expect it and bites you in the ass!”
“To love!” We all cheer.
Then Nicky’s brow collapses with worry. She frowns into her drink. “Fuck. I’m gonna need somethingwaystronger than wine.”
So what exactly does being sisters-in-law and partners-in-crime entail? Apparently, drinking. Lots of drinking.
Harry was out of town for most of the week for an away stretch. My husband and I spent our days exchanging dirty texts at every opportunity. I filled the rest of my free time with getting ahead on work files and volunteering at the community center. Unfortunately, that still left me way too much free time on my hands to go crazy from missing him.
On the bright side, I got a superhuman amount of work done at the office in advance. So when Meghan calls and invites me to meet her and her friends for a late lunch and drinks, I’m more than happy to drive down to Honey Hill to join them, even if it means leaving the office a tiny bit early today.
Harry has a home game tonight, so he’s busy with team meetings and pregame workouts for the next few hours anyway.
I hustle into the dim, cozy old-time tavern and immediately spot Meghan and Emma with a group of girls near the bar. According to Meghan, The Hot Sauce is the go-to drinking spot in town. And although I’m not really an onion rings type of girl, she swears that this place makes them better than anywhere else.
Emma sees me first and waves in my direction.
I make my way toward them. Emma and Meghan give me quick hugs before introducing me to Alana and Ziggy as well as the bartender, Jane, who is Meghan’s aunt.
Unfortunately, Nicky’s not here with us. She had to jet back to Chicago soon after the family dinner. Apparently working for your father doesn’t get you as many perks as you’d expect. But she and I promised to keep in touch—as long as I promise to not give any detailed updates on my naughty times with her brother.
In any case, I have instant rapport with these girls and we fall into an easy conversation. I’m still not used to being introduced as Harry’s wife but I’ve got to say I like it a whole lot.
Alana and Meghan have been besties forever, and they work together at a local veterinary clinic. Ziggy’s a free-spirited wild child who owns a metaphysical shop in town, and I swear she’s reading my mind half the time. The girls keep me laughing and Jane keeps the drinks flowing as we linger on stools by the bar.
Ziggy and Alana gush over how great it is to ‘finally’ meet me and it leaves me a little worried about what Harry must have said to them about me.
Somehow the conversation drifts quickly toward all of our sexual experiences. The bourbon lemonades we’re sipping could have a little to do with it, though.
“Oh my god, I was in the middle of an eighteen-month dry spell the first time Cash and I were going to have sex. Every single condom I had at my house was expired and kept disintegrating on his dick,” Meghan laughs. “It was so embarrassing.”
“Talk about a total mood killer,” Alana groans, reaching for the basket of fries we’re sharing.
“Exactly.” Meghan cringes. “But then we said ‘forget the condoms’ and he was on me so fast, we almost fucked the mattress right off the bedframe.” Meghan fans herself with a far away look in her eyes that has the rest of us giggling. “I get hot and bothered just thinking about it. You know, maybe he’d be into reenacting that tonight…”
“The first time me and Jasper kissed, it was in the kitchen,” Emma comments. “We started making out on the counter and out of nowhere, his entire family burst in. I swear, if they hadn’t come in at that moment, we would have gotten down and dirty right there…And probably ended up burning down the entire house. Whew. It was hot, hot, hot.”
“Wow. Sounds like those Westbrook boys are pretty wild,” I note, laughing. “What about you?” I turn to Alana.
She shakes her head with a little laugh. “Ugh. Davis and I were like sixteen.”
“Aww. I love hearing about high school sweethearts.” I take a sip from my straw.
“Not aww. Justawkward,” she deadpans. “Neither of us had the slightest clue what we were doing. He almost slipped it in my butt on the first three tries before either of us could figure out that we were aiming for the wrong hole.”
“Holy shit!” I shudder in secondhand sympathy.
“Hole-y shit is right.” Ziggy snorts into her drink.
“You weren’t a virgin, right?” Emma asks me after a silent moment, looking like she’s bursting with curiosity. “I mean, was it your first time with Harry?"