Page 122 of The Wild Card
“Jeez, you’re as bad as Grammy,” Meghan scolds. “No filter at all.”
“Oh, you know you’ve been dying to ask that question, too.” Emma giggles.
With a slick grin, Meghan turns to me. “But were you, though?”
I laugh a little bit. “No, I wasn’t a virgin.” Then, my chest tightens with a rueful feeling. “I’d be lying if I said I don’t wish I did share my first time with him.” I sigh. “The most unexpected thing about finding someone who truly loves me is that, a part of me mourns the pieces of myself that I wasted on men who didn’t deserve me.”
“I’m so with you on that,” Emma says. Ziggy and Meghan nod in agreement.
Alana’s expression is absolutely heartbreaking when she speaks up. “Itispretty special sharing that intimate first with someone who’s on the same page emotionally. But I’ve got to warn you, there’s nothing like the pain of losing the person you shared all your firsts with.”
I wince, feeling a pinch in my heart. I really can’t imagine how hard that must be.
Meghan rubs Alana’s forearm in support.
Alana returns the focus my way. “Harry seems so into you. Well, at least that’s the impression I got when he spoke about you. You’re a lucky girl.”
“God—he’s such an incredible man,” I gush. “He’s so romantic. He goes out of his way to make me feel good about myself. It’s been a tough football season and he’s been working so hard but never once has he pushed me to the side and made me question where I stand with him.”
“That kind of man really is hard to come by,” Ziggy says, her eyebrows lifted.
“I know. I’ve been thinking—I want to do something special for him. I want to return the favor and let him know that he means the world to me.”
It never quite sat right with me that Harry’s first time was so rushed and spontaneous. Yes, we both had multiple mind-blowing orgasms that night. But it hadn’t been planned at all. We sort of just got carried away in the moment and ended up going all the way.
I always felt like we were missing out on that element of romance. It should have been sacred. It should have been momentous. It should have been deliberate. After all, Harry Westbrook is Romeo reincarnated, it doesn’t feel right that more planning hadn’t gone into our first night together.
“What do you have in mind?” Meghan asks, clearly intrigued.
“I don’t know.” I twirl my glass around on the countertop. “I want to give him magic.”
“Nothing says ‘magic’ like the right lingerie.” Ziggy flashes a wink.
“Who’s getting naked?” the bartender barks, joining the conversation from behind the bar.
“Nadia’s planning something special for Harry,” Meghan tells her aunt.
Jane’s lips swing into a grin. “Ooh! Sex! My area of expertise.” Meghan rolls her eyes. Jane continues. “Now don’t take this as legal advice, butnothingtakes things to the next level like a good old ball gag and a pair of handcuffs.” She stares off into the distance with nostalgia clouding her face.
I find myself laughing. “Don’t worry. I willdefinitelynot be taking that as legal advice.”
Meghan gives me an apologetic look. “Sorry. My aunt has a half-finished law degree and she feels the need to add a legal disclaimer whenever she starts dishing out unsolicited advice.”
“Disclaimers are good,” I say, hiding my smile with a sip of my drink.
“I know, right?” Jane agrees. “People are always coming to bartenders with their problems. Gotta cover my ass, y’know? My insurance policy won’t save me if anyone gets themselves arrested after taking my advice.”
I chuckle. “Smart. Smart.”
Emma draws our attention back to the issue at hand. “Isay we should take you lingerie shopping. It could be fun. Promise.”
“There’s this great shop just a few blocks from here,” Alana pipes up excitedly.
I finish off my drink in a gulp. “Sounds like a plan.”
Meghan slaps both palms on the bar. “Let’s do this, girls!”
All five of us split the bill and head to a nearby lingerie shop. I was worried it might be awkward, shopping for sex clothes with ladies who are technically still strangers. But hanging out with these girls today has been far more fun than I imagined. We wander through the aisles of the boutique and select the naughtiest pieces, laughing until we’re all crying and sobered up.