Page 69 of Awaiting
Bexley nodded. Then, Alex took her hand, twisted her hat back to the front, lowered it over her eyes, and pulled Bexley through the busy bar.
“So, are we going to talk about it?” Bexley asked her.
“Talk about what?” Alex asked back as she stared out the tinted windows of the car and into the night.
“About why you’re mad at me? About why you sat down next to me all possessive after that woman gave you her number, and–”
“I wasn’t possessive,” Alex replied, turning to Bexley, who seemed so far away despite sitting right next to her in the back seat. “You looked like you needed help; like you were uncomfortable. I didn’t know that was your ex-girlfriend, Bexley. I thought I could chase her off for you if it looked like we were there together.”
“You think I’m the kind of woman who needs help like that?”
“Bexley, I’m not trying to insult you,” Alex said on a sigh. “No, I don’t think you’re the damsel-in-distress type. I think you are a wildly accomplished doctor who’s young in her career but still manages to be the one people seek out when they need the best. I think you’re beautiful, smart, funny, and kind. And when I saw someone sitting across from you, and that look on your face like you didn’t know what to do, I–” Alex stopped.
“I don’t know. I suppose maybe Iwantedto be the one to swoop in. I know you’re perfectly capable of telling a woman you’re not interested, but… I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about how it might feel to be your knight in shining armor.”
“Alex, I don’t need you to be my knight,” Bexley replied, turning toward Alex a bit now.
“I know you don’t,” Alex said softly. “And I obviously had no idea that was your ex-girlfriend.”
“I wasn’t expecting to see her there. She doesn’t go out often. She’s a vet. She barely has the timeorthe energy most nights.”
“Why was she there tonight?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t ask,” Bexley said.
Alex turned back to the window and asked, “Whatdidyou talk about with her?”
“Not much.”
Alex could tell there was something Bexley wasn’t saying.
“No, Alex. Really, we didn’t get to talk about much of anything. You showed up, and then we kind of ran out of there.”
“You could have stayed,” Alex said, realizing it was true the moment the words were out of her mouth.
Bexleycouldhave stayed with Holly. She didn’t have to run out of there with Alex. Bexley was a local. Most people in that bar knew her. She was only in Kansas for a short time before they headed back, and she could’ve said she wanted to stay to spend more time with Stan. Bexley could’ve stayed just so she could keep talking to Holly.
“No, I couldn’t have,” Bexley replied. “Alex, I was never going to stay if you were leaving.”
Alex watched as the car pulled into Bexley’s driveway.
“We’re here,” she said.
They didn’t speak as security walked the perimeter and they waited in the car. They didn’t speak as they walked to the door and Bexley unlocked it so that security could take a look inside first. They didn’t speak as they walked into the house, Bexley turning on the lights as they went. They didn’t speak as Bexley put a cup under the coffee maker and then instructed it to spew out hot water. When she placed the cup of Alex’s favored tea in front of her on the counter, Alex didn’t know what to say.
“It’s been a long day,” Bexley finally spoke.
“Yes, it has,” Alex agreed, took the cup, and then laughed at what was written on it. “This is funny.”
“I’m tired. You’re getting whatever cup I pull out of the cabinet.”
“What did I get before?”