Page 13 of It Had To Be You
She studies me for a second and I know the exact moment she decides to stop teasing me because her whole face changes into a relaxed expression. “I’m going stir-crazy, which is probably why I’m getting a kick out of teasing you. It will be good to get out of here.”
She sits up and I move to her side. “Here, let me help you.”
“Thanks.” Slowly, we make our way downstairs.
“Do you want me to putFriendson for you?” I ask.
“I’m capable of using a remote.”
“Right.” I smile.
Leaving her channel hopping, I make a vegetarian shepherd’s pie with sweet potato mash. My stomach is rumbling by the time it’s ready. Finding two plates in the cupboard, I serve it up before taking it into the living room.
Mallory pokes her fork into it. “I’m guessing there’s no beef in here?”
“Nope. Just fresh vegetables from the market and a bit of chive from my herb garden.”
“You’re as saintly as ever.” She says it like it’s a dig. It’s obvious I won’t be converting her to vegetarianism anytime soon. She’ll probably have meat with every meal when she leaves.
“Just doing my bit.” I smile.
“So, we’re not going to discuss the elephant in the room?” She taps her fork against the edge of the plate.
I thought we were past this, but Mallory doesn’t seem to want to let it go. It’s clear she’s talking about the vibrator. “What were you even doing in my drawer?” I ask, wishing we didn’t have to talk about it.
“I was bored and knew you couldn’t be as pure as the virgin princess you portray. I just wanted to find a little dirt.” She shrugs like snooping is a perfectly normal thing to do. Until now, I would have said I didn’t have anything to hide, but she found the only thing that I didn’t want her to.
I take a deep breath. We can be adults about this. If I explain, maybe she’ll let this go. “I’ve had sex so you know that’s not true. Do you feel better now you’ve found something on me?” My first relationship was with a guy from school called Robbie. We only had sex once, and it cemented everything I already knew. I’m a lesbian with no interest in the opposite sex. Mallory was there to hold my hand when I came out as gay.
“I would’ve preferred some dirty magazines.” She gives me a wicked smile.
I shake my head. “Nobody buys top-shelf material anymore. You can use your phone to find porn or pictures.”
“Lara Amelia Dodd, you kinky bitch. I didn’t think you had that knowledge in you.” She laughs light-heartedly.
Thank goodness this isn’t a big deal. Mallory is awesome like that and often knows the right thing to say. “If you thought I was so sweet and innocent, you wouldn’t have been snooping.” I fold my arms over my chest, giving her a little sass.
“If you’d learn to show a little more skin instead of dressing like someone from the petticoat age, I wouldn’t be so suspicious of your pureness.”
I roll my eyes. “Long dresses are in fashion and they look good on me.”
“Whatever you say.” She sings the words.
“If I left it up to you, I’d be wearing hot pants, and then I’d be covered in cat scratches. My dresses are practical and a great fit for my reserved personality.”
“Until you’re alone in your bedroom and…” I cover her mouth with my hand.
“Don’t finish that sentence. We’re not lovers, so we don’t need to discuss this. Can’t we go back to you thinking I’m some kind of saint married to my job or whatever?” I let go of her and back away.
“You just took me by surprise that’s all.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have been nosy, and then you wouldn’t have unveiled dirt, as you call it.”
“I honestly believed I was going to confirm you were as saintly as I thought.” She looks serious. The picture of me she has in her head is unattainable. Maybe a nun could be as pure as she thinks I am, but I’m not that good.
“You didn’t prove your crazy theory, so let’s move on.”