Page 14 of It Had To Be You
I narrow my eyes. Can it really be that simple? “Okay.” Finally, I think she’s dropped the subject.
Neither of us speaks for a few minutes and our attention turns to the TV. When we’re both done eating, I collect the plates and take them to the kitchen.
Around nine, I ask, “Shall I help you back into the bedroom?”
“Yes. That would be a good idea. Unless you want me to take the couch?”
“No. I have no problem giving you my bed.” What kind of friend would I be if I let my injured bestie sleep on the couch?
“Why don’t we share the bed tonight? It’s got to be comfier than the sofa.”
We haven’t shared a sleeping place since we were kids. It’s going to be a long, painful six weeks if I don’t take her up on the offer. We’re both adults, and I don’t have an issue with her seeing more of my skin. It’s her that likes to create a problem that’s not there. Besides, it’s not like I sleep in skimpy pyjamas. “Sure. Let me lock up.”
I tidy up in the kitchen, secure the door, and turn off the light. I help Mallory up the stairs before we brush our teeth. She changes into her nightie in the bedroom and I use the bathroom to slip into my silky pyjamas.
“Still covered up, I see,” she says when I enter the room. My pyjamas are full-length, and I’m glad it torments her. It’s been a strange day, and it’s fun getting under her skin.
“You wouldn’t want it any other way.” She laughs, and I crack a smile. We climb into bed and I plunge us into darkness. “Goodnight,” I say.
I waketo the creak of floorboards. The curtains are shut and visibility is low, but I can make out my best friend’s shadow. Lara is moving around the space trying to quietly gather her things. Instead of revealing I’m not asleep, I watch her. She’s light on her feet and graceful in her movements. She pauses while looking in my direction, making me tense. After a few seconds, she begins to unbutton her pyjamas. The baby pink silky material looked cute on her when I saw them yesterday. Although they didn’t need fastening right to the top. She pulls down the bottoms and discards the garments before putting on fresh clothing. She uses the bed to hold her belongings as she gets ready for work. The vibrations are minimal, but it feels like a massage against my skin. I can hear the rustling of the fabric, and my eyes flutter open every so often, although I can’t see much. My mouth feels dry knowing she’s been naked in the same room as me.
Lara’s always been my best friend and I’ve never thought of her as anything else. She’s my rock and my family. Her getting dressed in the same room shouldn’t feel intimate, but something changed yesterday, and I can’t stop thinking about what I discovered. She has needs. Ones that need fulfilling. I close my eyes, trying to get myself under control. I’m not the right person to help her.
She finishes what she’s doing and then visits the bathroom for a short time. I listen to her descend the stairs. She potters around in the kitchen, probably grabbing breakfast and feeding the cat. Eventually, she leaves the house and the silence is deafening.
I feel like a terrible person. My interest shouldn’t be spiked by finding a sex toy. I’ve opened a can of worms by snooping in her room. It was supposed to be an innocent game to pass the time, but I’ve complicated things. Before, I was joking about seeing more of her flesh at the parade. Now I’m kinda curious about what else she’s got under those dresses. I shake the thought. I can’t be lusting over my best friend.
Now I’m alone, I’m wide awake and there’s no chance of me falling back to sleep. I hobble out of bed and open the curtains before trying to get comfortable on the mattress with my laptop. Lara’s on the early shift today, so I don’t think she meant to wake me. At least I’ll get more time with her in the evening.
Pressing the power button, I boot up my laptop, accessing my blog. I add a picture of my leg from yesterday and caption the title ‘Extreme resting’. Then I list all the things I did yesterday to pass the time. It’s mainly dull things like watching TV and trying to creatively throw things in the bin. Methodically, I work through my day until I get to the snooping incident.
Usually, my best friend is a topic I’d class as off-limits. It’s too personal and nothing to do with sports, so I’ve never spoken about her before. While my life is on pause, she’s a big part of my day and the most interesting thing I have to talk about.
Have you ever had a ‘Cinnamon Roll Hero’ come to your rescue? My best friend is the kindest person I know. She took me home after my accident without hesitation, even though her place isn’t big enough for the two of us. There’s only one bed and it’s only a double.
I leave it at that; not ready to add my indiscretion. I don’t have to own up to it and tell the world. The comments of praise for Lara start flooding in immediately and it makes me smile.
I wish I had myself a Cinnamon Roll Hero.
A true friend.
She’s a keeper.
When I close my laptop, I’m feeling pretty good. The positive vibes are giving me a burst of energy. I will not waste today sulking. I’m going to use my new-found situation for the greater good. I’ve got six weeks to find a temporary me that can function like a human being.
I climb out of bed and I’m instantly slowed down by my leg. It takes me an hour to get washed in the bathroom and dressed into a baggy T-shirt with loose shorts. Using the wall and my crutches, I carefully make my way downstairs. The sun is shining and there’s no reason to stay cooped up in the house.
Lying on the grass outside is a bad idea. I might not be able to get back up. It takes a lot of effort to drag a chair from the kitchen outside, but I finally make it onto the patio. I hold onto the back of the chair and try to get my breathing back under control. Lara’s garden furniture is probably locked up in the shed, but there’s a bat in there, so the wooden chair with a hard cushion is my only option. When my ass finally plonks down onto the seat, I sigh with relief. Things I take for granted just got a whole lot harder. But I did it. I’ve gained my first taste of freedom, even if it’s only baby steps. A broken leg doesn’t have to mean I’m stuck.