Page 45 of Bound By Fate
“Is it too soon to bring up Axel?” he joked.
“It might forever be too soon to bring up Axel,” I grouched jokingly and followed up with a snicker, kissing his cheek. “Take your time and enjoy your party. I think I’ll be asleep the moment my head hits the pillow.”
“I’ll try not to wake you, My Queen.”
We parted, and I found Maywin with Jasper outside the ballroom doors, the pair joining me on either side.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying…” Jasper piped in quietly. “Congratulations.”
I glanced at him and nodded, sensing that he was genuinely pleased for us. “Thank you—”
My attention immediately diverted toward a snowy-haired, ill-dressed male with yellowing teeth and a wide, almost terrifying smile.
“How wonderful to see you here—and with such good news!”
I stepped back, offended by the odor of rank garbage emanating from him, the sight of his unkempt dress among the others alarming me. Jasper jumped in front of me, his hands extended to force the stranger back.
“Identify yourself at once!” Jasper growled.
The eerie male did not falter, his leer expanding as he pressed his face closer to mine, fully ignoring the guard as Wylie crashed in at the other side.
“You’re glowing!” he said gleefully. “Truly! You are a sight to behold!”
“Sandor!” Aradia appeared, standing between Jasper and the misanthrope, her own eyes wide with a panic I had never seen in her before.
“You know him?” I asked, my words shaky.
Aradia nodded but kept her eyes trained on the aging male, who continued to grin as a small crowd gathered around us.
“I didn’t realize you were on the guest list,” Aradia said coldly. “This gala is by invitation only.”
Sandor finally flicked his gaze toward the enchantress, his smile fading slightly. “I would think that you would show more appreciation after what I did for you,” he replied curtly. “Maybe you can bend the rules a bit for an old friend.”
“What is the meaning of this?” Cade roared, storming toward us. “What are you doing here, Sandor? Who let him in?!”
I looked from Cade to Aradia, silently demanding an explanation, but my mate turned to Jasper.
“Take her to her room immediately! Why are you still standing here!?”
I started to protest, but Jasper insisted, ushering Maywin and me through the crowd as I sputtered. “Who was that?”
“I don’t know,” Maywin answered honestly, her voice trembling.
“I believe he is the warlock enlisted to find you when you were in Anderlane, Queen Zephyrine,” Jasper told me, and my blood ran cold.
Cade always said that there was a cost to doing business with warlocks.
“Why is he here?” I asked.
“I really don’t know, Luna,” the guard promised. “But I’ll see if I can find out.”
“Please do that,” I whispered.
It was bad enough that they had used a warlock to find me. I didn’t want to know what kind of debt Cade had incurred for that.
As we drew closer to my suite, I slowed my nervous gait, my mood lightening slightly. Dozens of gifts lined the hallway from well-wishers, the ambrosia of flowers, candles, and sweets reaching my nostrils and brightening my earlier disgruntlement.