Page 46 of Bound By Fate
“Who are these from?” I asked, stopping by the door.
“The staff, I assume,” Maywin said. “I can bring them inside your suite.”
“Thank you, Maywin.” My stomach growled, making me realize that I hadn’t eaten a bite all evening, my nerves keeping me from sampling even a taste of the delicious spreads that Aradia had arranged. “I could use a nibble before I sleep.”
“Right away, Luna.”
Leaving the door open, I entered and removed my wrap from my bare shoulders, setting it on the vanity stool as Maywin began the daunting task of bringing in the gifts, Jasper helping. I sat at the table and removed the pearl combs from my hair, allowing my tresses to fall loose, the memory of the warlock still fresh in my mind.
Why did he come tonight? Has Cade not paid him?
The room quickly filled with the plethora of baskets and gifts, the sight of them again distracting me from the negative thoughts. My eyes drifted to the closest one, a lovely wicker arrangement, filled to the brim with cookies, cakes, and wrapped in a beautiful violet bow.
I searched for a card, but there was none to identify the giver.
I was touched by the offering as I reached for a sugar-glazed cookie.
But as I parted my lips and put the cookie to my mouth, Maywin rushed toward me, her eyes hysterical. Her hand flew upward to hit me, and I yelped, dropping the morsel to protect my face.
“MAYWIN!” I choked. “What the—”
Jasper ran to grab her, his face equally confounded as he pulled her back.
“Look! There’s something in it!” Maywin rasped, pointing at the fallen cookie, her hand shaking.
Slowly, I turned and looked where she pointed at the broken pieces, and I saw the chunks of green now.
“Is that… ebonleaf!” I gasped, dropping the piece again and dusting my hands wildly as Maywin rushed to find me a soapy cloth to take the offending agent off my skin.
How could someone do this? Ebonleaf was poisonous and could be fatal.
My eyes closed, and the overwhelming sense of doom overtook me once more. This time, it wouldn’t go away. I wouldn’t allow it to leave. This time, it was coming after my baby.
Trembling with anger, I advanced on the warlock, baring my fangs, which had inadvertently sprung forth with my ire. “What are you doing here, warlock?” I spat. “You weren’t invited.”
Sandor’s sooty eyes grew hard and cold, his bushy eyebrows knitting into a vee of displeasure. “Is this any way to show your gratitude?” he hissed. “You owe me.”
“Then name your damn price already!” I retorted, heat flushing my cheeks, the euphoria from the party fading away to leave me quivering.
“I will,” he agreed. “Perhaps my price was merely admission to this fine gala.”
“Good. Then consider yourself paid and see yourself gone!” I fumed, signaling for the guards to take him out.
“Cade,” Aradia whispered, her voice so low that only I could hear it.
My head jerked toward her, catching the warning in her single word, but I didn’t stop my Royal Guards from taking him from the grand ballroom, flanking his filthy shirt on either side, his beanie cap falling from his head to slip onto the pristine floors.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Aradia told me in a hiss. “You really shouldn’t antagonize him!”
“He shouldn’t have come here and antagonized me,” I snapped back, distinctly aware of how all eyes sank onto me.
The music fully stopped in the wake of the event.
Forcing a smile, I clapped my hands and turned my back to Aradia, rolling my fingers around to encourage the music again.