Page 81 of Saving Her Vampire
He lifts his head, my blood on his wicked tongue. “You take me so well, baby,” he groans. “I want you to fuck yourself on me now,” he demands and halts his movement.
I whimper. “Bash.”
“Do what I said.” His glistening cock hovers just out of reach.
I use my thighs to bring our bodies together again, pulling myself up on his cock. I sigh once he is inside again. I test out my strength in this position and realize I can thrust easily. Bash keeps his eyes on where we are joined, his muscles straining as he lets me fuck him.
“Bash, I’m going to come,” I pant, pressure spreading.
“Do it. Cover me,” he dares, his teeth grinding.
“Yes, daddy,” I cry out.
“Fuck, such a good girl. Take my come.”
I lose sight and sound, and my rhythm falters. As I fall back to the floor, Bash takes over, his hips jerking as he comes inside me.
His weight pressed down on me, and his hands stroke down my sides. Our breathing evens out, and as it does, my thirst comes back. I don’t ask permission. I turn my head and latch onto his neck, moaning when his blood flows down my throat. His cock twitches inside of me. He’s hard and ready for another round.
He starts to pull away, and I tighten my legs. “Again,” I demand.
His eyes smolder. “Whatever my mate wants.” He lowers his head, licking my nipple.
Fuck yes.
I’m surprised I fell asleep. The sun is shining brightly when I open my eyes. Bash isn’t in bed, but I hear him in the kitchen making coffee. I pull on his discarded shirt, sitting on the edge of the bed. I lost count of the number of times we came together last night. It’s a blur of flesh, blood, and pleasure. I want to repeat the experience every night, every minute of every day. He didn’t give me time to think about my new status. Now, it’s the only thing I can do.
The sounds surrounding me blare loudly, making me cringe. I can hear rock music coming from a car. In another, a couple argues about the woman’s mother interfering in their relationship. A man is whistling as he walks down the street—a dog barks at someone walking in front of his yard. The crunch of grass under his feet mixes with the man's feet slapping on the sidewalk. I can distinguish between a man and woman by their scent, and I can tell whether they are human or not. Gross, I can hear the dog taking a break to poop. I could do without that sound.
I smell the blood in their veins and hear it coursing through them. My fangs drop. The smell is appetizing, but it doesn’t compare to Bash’s. I’m still hungry. It’s weird to be hungry for blood.
I need to use the bathroom, and suddenly I’m standing in front of the toilet—that’s interesting. Apparently, I’m super fast. I shake my head and take care of that need. I stiffen my legs and slowly walk to stand in front of the mirror, probably looking like a zombie. It’s going to take practice. I don’t want to think of the office someday while getting dressed and find myself there in my underwear.
My image startles me. My hair is longer, brighter, and soft. My eyes are brighter, with a matching white ring around the edge, just like Bash. The proof that I am mated. They are wide as I take in my new and improved body. I turn back and forth, looking. Is my ass higher? My legs are certainly firmer. I touch my arms and find muscle tone that I know wasn’t there before. I look down the front of my shirt. Shit, boobs are still the same size.
Oh well. Bash seems to like them just as they are.
I’ve been avoiding looking at my new teeth. Vampires shouldn’t be afraid of anything, so I woman up and lean close to the mirror. I take a deep breath and smile. I seem to be able to control when they appear; all I have to do is think about them. I still jump when they snap in place. After I’m done laughing at myself, I lean forward.
Alright, weird but kind of cool. I can’t resist touching one with my finger and jumping again when I cut myself. I automatically suck on my finger. So, I will have to really practice being a badass vampire. Can I still brush the same? I grab my toothbrush and go at it as normal. Normal, yep, that’s me. Until I break the toothbrush in half. I’m horrified and proud at the same time.
I want to take a shower, but I’m afraid I’ll break something else. I settle on washing my face and pick up my brush to brush my hair (which, thankfully, I don’t break). I survey my body one more time and decide it’s time to see Bash when someone knocks on the door.
My head tilts as I listen. It’s a woman. She’s talking to Bash. She’s laughing. I don’t like it. In the back of my mind, my memories are telling me I know her, but my demon is screaming at me to protect my mate.
I'm pretty sure I flew because the next thing I know, I’m caging her as I press her into the wall, hissing. Her blood is sweet but with a subtle hint of sour, and it’s coloring her cheeks. I want to taste it and lick my lips. Her heart is beating hard, the rhythm of it tapping on my arm that is against her throat. She is tempting. She’s taller than me, but it would be easy to overpower her, striking her throat. My demon is yelling in my ear,drink, drink, drink. Fuck, yes.
“Marie,” Bash yells. His voice penetrates my concentration. “Baby, back away. You don’t want to drink from Penny.”
The name is familiar, but it takes a minute to take control of my need. Penny is the human friend to Harmony. I’ve gotten drunk with her before. I was always jealous of her bombshell body and sparkling personality. She has guts and doesn’t take any shit—I like her. Her white-blonde hair is long and wind-blown. —Whether from my attack or on purpose, I don’t know, but it works for her. Her gorgeous dark blue eyes are wide but not scared as you would expect. I’ve never been this close to her. Her eyes are framed with long, dark black lashes. Totally not fair because she isn’t wearing makeup except bright red lipstick.
“Marie,” Bash says firmly. His warm body is at my back.
“Shit, sorry,” I say. I take away my arm and take a step back into him. “I remember now. I was caught up.” I shrug. “You don’t wear makeup?”
Penny takes a deep breath and relaxes her body. “I don’t usually. I do on special occasions. I have a strict skin regimen, though. If you want, I can tell you what I use,” she says in her husky voice as if I wasn’t a second away from sucking on her neck.