Page 224 of Paradise Descent
“Come sit in my lap,” he said, holding out his hand.
I obeyed, climbing up to sit on his upper thighs. He stroked up my stomach absently and cupped my left breast. Squeezing it once and gently flicking my nipple to make it harden.
My clit tingled as he played with me lazily. Teasing my other breast until my nipple went hard and flushed under his fingertips.
“So fucking pretty,” he murmured.
“Merrick,” I managed. “Why are there handcuffs in the bathroom?”
I’d expected him to be taken off guard, but he wasn’t. His eyes lit up, glittering just inches from mine.
“I thought you might like using them,” he said. “Then I forgot all about it last night.”
I chewed my lip. “I don’t know if I’d like being restrained with handcuffs, I haven’t thought about it.”
A devilish smirk slid over his face. “Oh, no, those are for me, cariad.”
Wait…what? My whole body froze and my jaw went slack. A bolt of heat moved down my spine and blossomed between my thighs, making me pulse once in his lap.
“I teased you last night,” he said, still grinning. “I can take a little payback.”
For a second, my mind was blank and whirling. Then my eyes fell on his chest, broad and well muscled, and slid down to his slender abdomen. A rush of heat surged through me. When I shifted off him, there was a sudden slipperiness between my legs, sticky down my thighs as I padded back into the bathroom and grabbed the bag.
He slid onto his back, kicking all the blankets off the end of the bed. Stretching out fully naked and already beautifully hard.
My God, this was my husband.
I unzipped the bag and shook it onto the bed. Two sets of silver handcuffs fell out, rattling as they did.
“Two? Why two?”
He opened his mouth to answer just as it hit me and I couldn’t bite back a giggle. Never in my life had I imagined I’d want to do this, but suddenly I was aching to see him like that.
Arms spread, wrists fastened to each bedpost.
The Welsh King, helpless between my thighs.
I hooked them on my finger, climbing up and straddling his hard, lower stomach. “Are these going to fit you? You have big arms.”
“They fit, I tried them before we left.”
He shifted and put his hands out, baring his inner wrists to me. Shaking a little, chest fluttering, I locked them around his wrists. He spread his arms up, biceps looking so damn good while he was at it, and gave me an encouraging nod.
“Attach the free end to each bedpost, cariad,” he murmured. “You can do it.”
I obeyed quickly and slid back to settle myself on his hips. Between my thighs, his cock was hard and pressed urgently against my pussy. The little pulse running through it tickled, sending jolts of pleasure through me.
He took my breath away. My love, my Welsh King. I ran my fingertips over the sensitive skin of his inner bicep. Up and around his elbow. His chest heaved as my touch trailed all the way up to his wrists, to where the silver metal of the handcuffs bound him to the bed.
He looked beautiful, so sexy and dark and vulnerable.
My mind went back to that day in the New Hampshire house when I’d spread chocolate sauce and whipped cream all over his abs and licked it off. And right away, I knew what I wanted.
“Where are you going?” he asked as I jumped down and disappeared into the kitchen.
“Just relax,” I called, flushed from the rapid pulse between my legs.