Page 225 of Paradise Descent
I wrenched open the fridge and found the chocolate sauce where I’d put it after our earlier shopping trip. I grabbed the cold bottle in my fist and padded back to the bedroom.
His brows shot up, eyes falling.
“I hope that’s going on my cock, cariad,” he said. “I’d love to see you lick it off.”
“We’ll see,” I murmured, straddling him with the bottle of syrup in hand.
The first drizzle hit him between the pecs and he flinched, his stomach muscles contracting.
“Fuck, that’s cold,” he breathed.
I shifted down and brushed the bottle over the underside of his rock hard cock. Watching him closely. His pupils dilated and his hips jerked beneath me at the contact of cold plastic.
“Is that good?” I murmured.
He swore softly in response and I leaned forward, propping myself up on the bed. He was breathing hard and his eyes were glued to me, taking in my every move.
I drizzled it between his pecs again and his lids flickered, his jaw going tense. The syrup continued down…down…down to his tightened abs. Pooling lightly in the little indents. Making a circle around his shallow navel.
The cap made a sharp pop as I snapped it closed and set it aside. Then, eyes locked to his, entranced by the blue flame beneath his heavy lids, I bent and tongued his navel.
“Oh—Jesus—fuck,” he gasped.
“Did you know that you have nerves in your navel that go all the way down to your penis,” I teased softly.
“I did know, actually,” he said through gritted teeth.
Pushing the tip of my tongue into it, I circled it slowly. Tonguing it the way he did to my pussy. My right hand slid down between us and found his cock, wrapping around his thick, warm length.
“Do you want me so badly?” I whispered.
“So fucking much.” His eyes were heavy with desire, glued to me with animal watchfulness.
Gazes locked, both breathing hard, I shifted up and began lapping up the chocolate over his chest. His hips twitched with every touch of my tongue, desperate for some contact.
His cock was leaking pre-cum, the tip glittering in the early morning light spilling from the window.
Slowly, just as cruelly as he done to me last night, I drew it out until he was visibly panting. Licking up every bit of chocolate with slow, small flicks of my tongue. His fists gripped the handcuff chains, his knuckles white. Sweat etched down his neck and soaked into the pillow.
His pupils were blown, his jaw taut.
“Fuck, put me out of my misery,” he begged.
“But I’m not done.”
“You have me for the rest of our lives,” he managed. “Just let me come in you, I promise you can do whatever you want to me later.”
I took pity on him and shifted over his hips, gripping his cock by the base. Our eyes locked, his lips parting, and I guided him into my soaked pussy. Sinking onto him, taking his heavy length until it sparked pain deep inside.
“Oh God, you’re so hard,” I whispered.
He made a sound, a half growl, half whimper.
“That’s what you do to me,” he said. “That’s what you fucking do to me, darling.”
I rode him hard and fast and he came in seconds. Eyes rolling back, stomach tensing, hips shuddering. Lips spilling my name beneath his breath.
He gave one last twitch in me and his eyes snapped open.