Page 115 of Sinful Desires
Something on the floor captured my attention and terror snaked around my throat and attacked my lungs as realization came crashing down on me. It was blood, not paint. My knees buckled, a horrified sob tearing through me as I examined the lifeless girl on the floor. Her throat was slashed open, an unbelievable amount of blood pooling around her. Staring into her vacant eyes, my insides twisted. Her bright red hair fanned out around her, almost making her look otherworldly.
Chapter 32
The party was in full swing when we arrived. People bustled around the room—some with friends, some with the person they were dating, some with easy hookups. A variety of couples were already slipping away to find somewhere more private. When my gaze snagged on an empty armchair, my shoulders eased with relief. The area appeared to be vacant for now, so I’d take it. Striding over to the lounge area, I dropped into the chair.
Our plan for the night was already in motion. Hunter managed to lure Raven to the third floor under the guise that he wanted to hookup. He was supposed to be finding out what she knew, who she told, how long she’s been following us for, and what she planned to do with the information. Collin and Myles were assisting him just in case things went sideways, while I remained here in order to keep watch—not that it was necessary. The teachers were already out of the picture and wouldn’t be waking for at least an hour or two. Maybe even longer. If all else failed, then I’d join them.
Tilting my beer, I put the neck up to my lips and drank. I was used to the bitter taste by now, so it didn’t deter me.
Anticipation slithered through me as I stared down at my phone screen. I wasn’t meant to sit on the sidelines. They’d been gone for at least an hour now, and I haven’t heard any word. My fingers itched to send them a message, but I needed to have more faith in them, so I resisted.
Before I knew what was happening, a crowd of people invaded my solitude and shuffled onto the couch. They laughed as their mouths moved inaudibly, causing me to grit my teeth.
I took another pull from my drink and glanced at my phone again. I wanted to know what was happening. While I hated people, when they asked me if I wanted to play, it didn’t take much effort on their part for me to agree. The distraction would be nice.
After a few rounds and just as many drinks, my nerves began to ease somewhat. Well, until Aspen and Gia decided to intervene, reminding me exactly why I was here in the first place.
When Aspen’s turn rolled around, I named off the most obvious option, not really giving a shit to know anything about her. However, knowing I got it wrong, and seeing the smug look on her face grated on my nerves.
Finally, after a few more rounds, my phone rang. At this point, Aspen had left to go refill her drink and Gia was too interested in Jax to notice me.
“What?” I growled, placing it to my ear.
Shuffling sounded on the other end, followed by Collin yelling. My heart rate accelerated. What the fuck was happening?
“We’ve got her restrained right now, but she’s really fucking strong for a chick bro.” He grunted, his breath coming out in heavy pants. “She isn’t cooperating. Won’t tell us shit. Said she’s going to take everything she knows to the police.”
Anger lit me up from the inside. “Remind her why it isn’t smart to threaten us. I’ll be there in seven.” Hanging up the device, I pocketed it and started chugging the rest of my beer.
I stood, tossed my beer in the trash, and slipped out of the ballroom. I knew this place like the back of my hand, so it didn’t take me any time at all to reach the third floor.
A strangled scream bled out into the hallway, causing my entire body to tense. Cursing, I shoved through the door and hurried up the stairs. When a second scream sounded, this one sounding different than the first, my legs started moving faster.
Nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see, though. My throat tightened as I took in the scene before me. Raven was sprawled out on the floor, her eyes wide while she tried helplessly to stop the gash in her neck from bleeding.
All three guys were still hovering over her, covered in her blood. My gaze snagged on the knife in Myles’ hand, and I stumbled back a step. Murder wasn’t new to me. But we never killed women, and usually not for things like this. Unfortunately, what was done was done.
“What happened?” I demanded, my stomach twisting.
“I told you,” Hunter said, his chest heaving as he worked to compose himself. “She wasn’t cooperating. Threatened us. We had no other choice.”
I shook my head, brows furrowing. The gurgling stopped, replaced with silence. “I told you to scare her. Not kill her.”
“I think I’m going to be sick,” Collin murmured, his face paling as he stared down at the lifeless girl. “I’ll be back.” With that, he spun on his heels and rushed off to find the nearest trash can.
“We didn’t have another option,” Hunter continued once Collin was out of sight. “What was scaring her going to do?”
He had a point. Raven threatened to snitch on us. Scaring her only would have motivated her more. I expected something like this from Myles, but the lack of remorse from Hunter about what just transpired put me on edge. Over the last couple weeks, he hasn’t acted right. I didn’t know if something triggered him, if he was growing into who he truly was, or what the fuck was happening.
Blowing out a breath, I nodded. “Fine. Let’s just get this cleaned up. I saw a cart with linens on it when I walked in.”
They nodded in synchronization, and I peeled away from them, my head spinning. How was I even supposed to feel about this? I didn’t feel sick like Collin. Didn’t feel satisfied like Myles. I was somewhere in between. They wouldn’t have killed her unless there was another option; that much I was sure of.
Statues and other antiques sat against either wall with a cluster of different items in between. The school used this place as some kind of attic or storage room which apparently benefited us tonight.
With the blood rushing to my ears, I almost didn’t hear the door creak open, but my heart stalled all the same, forcing the hairs on my body to stand. Dodging around the linen cart I’d originally come this way for, I hid, my heart pounding.