Page 116 of Sinful Desires
If we got caught, we were done for.
Shuffling sounded as the door clicked closed and I could hear the pitter-patter of footsteps against the carpet seconds later. Twirling my tongue-ring between my lips, I poked my head around the cart, my eyes widening as they landed on Aspen fucking Palmer. I’d rather it be her than security, or someone else.
She unknowingly moved in my direction; her face more pale than usual as she looked around cautiously. Did she hear the screams?
As she moved to pass me, I wasted no time, stepping out from behind the cart and grabbing her by the arm, my grip firm. A horrified yelp slipped from her lips as she attempted to jerk away from me, but it was no use. When she turned, her eyes widened comically.
I dragged her along, the linens long forgotten about.
“Look what I found!” I called out as we made it to the back of the room. Shoving her forward, she nearly tripped but quickly regained her footing.
When her horrified gaze dropped to Raven, a choked sob lodged its way in her throat, and she stumbled backwards. Her mouth opened and closed several times, and she forced her attention away from the body on the floor. I watched with interest, and a little bit of guilt, as her chest started moving at a rapid rate. Tears kissed her cheeks as they streamed from her eyes.
“You’re free to cry all you want,” Myles said dryly with no emotion on his face whatsoever. “But it won’t help you.”
Raising her head, she looked him dead in the eye. Anger swam through her green eyes despite the water coating them. “There is something so fucking wrong with all of you,” she hissed, trembling. “Do you even lose sleep over the vile things you’ve done?”
Myles shrugged. “I don’t.” Holding his blade in the air, he smirked as he watched Aspen’s reaction. Blood covered the knife, drops of it splattering against the floor.
“False alarm,” Collin said, striding back over with his mask in hand, completely oblivious to what was going on. His face paled when he spotted Aspen and his gaze slowly slid to mine. “What did I miss?”
I shrugged. “Nothing much. We just have to figure out what to do with her.”
Hunter snorted with an eyeroll. “I know exactly what to do with her,” he bit out, taking a step forward. “It’s time to play.”
Chapter 33
“Don’t fucking touch me!” My throat scolded me as the scream attacked it from the inside, forcing me into a coughing fit. Hunter was standing in front of me, a sadistic glint in his eye. Hadn’t I gone through enough?
All I could do was stare at the girl on the floor. My friend. Why had I been so naïve to believe this wouldn’t become her fate? The signs were all there. While I was partying, Raven was up here being murdered.
The guys had all departed with their masks at this point, and all wore cold-hearted expressions. I didn’t know what they planned on doing to me, but if I didn’t do something, there was no chance of survival. Closing my eyes, I willed my body to cooperate. I couldn’t save Raven, but I needed to at least try to save myself.
Opening my eyes, I released a shaky breath, the tears drying on my cheeks. Before I could talk myself out of it, I reared back and slammed my elbow into Foster’s ribs. As expected, he grunted and doubled over. Attempting to lunge around him, I was quickly stopped by Collin winding his arms around my waist and pulling me against him. I wasn’t about to give up so easily though. Twisting around in his grip, I brought my knee up and drove it into his groin. He released me instantly, dropping to his knees, and holding himself.
By the time I turned around again, Foster had already composed himself. A look of pure rage contorted his features, causing my heart to stutter in my chest. Before I had time to even think about another move, he moved forward and grabbed a fistful of my hair. My scalp burned in protest and tears sprung to my eyes from the pain. Digging my fingertips into his arm, he released a hiss. Finally, he released his hold on me and shoved me forward. Stumbling once again, I slipped on the blood coating the floor and landed in it. Some of the red liquid splashed against my face, my stomach dropping. It was still warm.
Before I could scramble away from it, Myles was there, holding the bloody knife to my throat. My gaze drifted to Raven, who was no more than two feet away.
“I wouldn’t move if I were you,” Myles taunted, bringing my attention back to him. Strands of his dark hair had fallen in front of his face, making him look all the more unhinged.
They were going to kill me anyway. What did I have to lose at this point? My blood heated within my skin as I thought about everything these guys had put me through. In the end, they won. I wouldn’t offer myself to them on a platter. I would fight until my dying breath. And once they killed me, I’d come back and haunt them. They’d never be able to forget me.
Grinding my teeth together, I jerked my leg back and released my foot into Myles’ knee. He stumbled slightly, but it didn’t have the effect I was hoping for.
Instead, his jaw ticked and something dark flashed across his face, making me tremble as the nerves started eating away at me once more.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” he growled.
“Fuck you,” I snapped back. What did he expect? That I was just going to lay down and roll over?
He pressed the tip of the knife into my throat, a surprised gasp leaving me from the action. My mind flashed back to Raven. The huge gash in her throat. She was killed by the same knife they penetrated me with. A shudder rolled through me at the thought, followed by sadness, and then anger. Kneeling, he burrowed his fingers through my hair, and forced my neck to bend.
Anticipation clawed through me. He could slit my throat right here if he wanted. Just like he did to her. I was completely vulnerable.
Surprising me, he released me and handed the knife to Foster instead. With his hands now free, he grabbed the collar of my jacket and started tugging the fabric off me, depositing it on the floor. The blood instantly seeped through the light-colored fabric, making me grimace.