Page 58 of Demon's Desire
“This is one of the most popular songs ever!” I informed him.
“Good to know.” He nodded.
He looked around the room for a moment. Every few seconds, he would take a small step to one side, then to the other side. He started awkwardly, tilting his hips and his shoulders, trying to dance. It was pretty cute, actually.
I grabbed his hand to get his attention and started showing him a few very, very easy steps. And by easy, I mean ‘white people dance moves’ easy. The step-touch was the most basic, then there was the ‘bounce to the music,’ and the slightly advanced ‘sway side to side.’ I had a few years of mastery over him, of course, but he got them pretty quickly.
He stood out like a sore thumb on the dance floor because of his sheer size, but his appearance didn’t help him hide either. People kept coming up to him and complimenting the way he looked.
After a few more songs, he leaned down to my ear. “I’m going to go find people to mess with.”
“All right. Be careful, please?” I asked him.
He gave me a wink and nodded before moving away. Of course, I could still see him. He started heading toward the bathroom, presumably to do his disappearing-reappearing act.
I tapped Kelly’s arm and leaned in. “I’m gonna get a drink. Do you want anything?”
“Beer!” She nodded at me. I gave her a thumbs up and started heading to the bar against the back wall. There were plenty of people there, so I tucked myself back into the corner and waited for the bartender to notice me. I wasn’t in a hurry.
I saw the bartender talking to a guy who looked pretty pissed. That was par for the course, though. When the people beside me left, I moved down to try to hear what they were arguing about better. It turned out that the customer, who was obviously wasted, thought the bartender didn’t give him enough gin in his gimlet. I rolled my eyes and waited patiently for him to be done.
Eventually, the bartender just walked away. I leaned against the bar, trying not to take up a lot of space in case someone else was coming by. After a moment, the drunk gimlet guy seemed to notice I was standing there. He picked up his glass and moved over so he was next to me.
“Hey.” He smirked like I hadn’t just seen him bitch to the bartender about lime cordial. “You look great.”
I gave him a polite half-smile and nodded, then looked back at the bar so he knew I wasn’t really paying him any attention.
“How come I haven’t seen you here before?” he asked, leaning in close to my ear.
I frowned and flinched away from him. “You’re getting a little close.”
He laughed and nodded. “Sorry. So how come I haven’t seen you here before?”
It took all of my self-control not to roll my eyes. “I don’t know. I come here all the time.”
“Really?” He didn’t look surprised at that, which was either because he was drunk or because he really wasn’t a regular here and was just trying to play like he was. “Well, why don’t you let me buy you a drink?”
“I’m good.” I shook my head, not looking at him.
“Hey.” He grabbed my arm a little rougher than I was comfortable with. “Come on, gorgeous. Why don’t you tell me your name and let me get you something?”
I pulled my arm away and looked him straight in the eyes this time. “Dude, I’m good. Leave me alone.”
He suddenly glared at me. “Excuse me, bitch?” He reached to grab me again, but before he could, Soul rushed over. He grabbed the guy’s drink and poured it on his crotch, then set the glass down sideways.
The drunk guy jumped back. “What the fuck?!”
I froze, unsure whether Soul was doing that while invisible. The drunk guy looked around, but thankfully, he seemed to look through Soul.
“You might wanna go to the bathroom and get cleaned up,” I said. “It kinda looks like you pissed yourself.”
He looked back at me with a similarly angry look, but turned to leave. “Bitch.”
When he was gone, I looked up at Soul. “Thank you.”
He gave me a half-smile and nodded, patting my lower back. “I think I’ll hang out here until you find Kelly.”
“No, that’s okay.” I shook my head. “You go find more assholes to pick on. It’s funny.”