Page 82 of Demon's Desire
Exhaustion hit me like a truck as the adrenaline began to wear off. I sighed happily and stroked his chest. “Remind me to get a pill in the morning, okay?”
“Don’t worry about that,” he assured me, kissing my head. “I can’t get you pregnant or make you sick.”
“Really?” I closed my eyes, too tired to be much more curious than that.
“Yes. Just relax. Sleep, little one…”
“Okay, Soul… Suldeargan…” I whispered. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Mia…”
Something fell in the corner of my room. I turned my head and frowned, more than a little annoyed at the interruption to my sleep. Soul must have been fucking with things to pass the time. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, then suddenly became aware of the weight of Soul’s arm over my waist. I blinked and looked over at him. I could barely see the outline of his body because of the moonlight. That was weird.
Slowly, I moved out from under his arm and stood up. He was sleeping. Even though he didn’t need to sleep, I noticed that when he did, he slept hard. I didn’t want to wake him, so I decided I’d just grab whatever fell and put it back in its place. I was still naked, but I’d only be up for a second before going to sleep again.
I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight in the direction of my closet. When I did, my clothes were moving, swaying side to side as if someone were running their hand across them. I frowned and quickly went to the closet, shining the light around. There was nothing out of place.
“What?” I muttered, turning around and swinging the light into the corner. I had a couple of small posters and canvases taped to the wall. I assumed one of them had fallen and made the initial noise, but they were all in place.
I was about to give up and go back to bed when I heard a chuckle in my ear. I jumped and spun around, but there was nothing there. I pointed the light back at the bed, but Soul was still passed out.
“He’s asleep,” a voice cooed in my ear. I jumped again and turned, but there was still nothing. “What a wretch. His love is in danger and he’s napping. He’ll come to regret that…”
“Soul!” I shouted suddenly. As soon as I did, Soul jolted awake and jumped out of bed.
He looked around for a second before rushing over to me and grabbing my arms. “What? What’s wrong?”
“S-something is here!” I whispered, looking around, moving my flashlight across the walls, hoping he could see something I couldn’t. “Something… I don’t know! It woke me up, then it spoke to me!”
“What?” He blinked. “Little one, are you sure? It wasn’t a dream?”
“No!” I said sharply, pulling away from him to walk to my closet and grab my robe, pulling it on. “No, it was moving things, then it laughed. It said…” My voice trembled a bit, but I took a breath to steady it. “It said I was in danger.”
“Danger?” Soul grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. “Mia, what exactly did it say?”
I repeated what the voice had said exactly. It was short, so I remembered it. “It was like it knew you. Maybe… I don’t know. What’s going on?”
“I’m not sure yet.” He dropped my hand and went over to turn on the light. “There’s nothing here. Not anymore. Whatever it was, I’d be able to see it. It’s probably long gone.”
“What the hell am I supposed to do?” I cried, looking around the room as if it would come back.
“Nothing.” He opened my bedroom door and stepped into the hall. “Right now, I want you to sit on the bed and drink some water. I’m going to look for any signs. When I’m done, you’ll go back to sleep and I’ll stay awake.”
“I… I’m sorry…” I shook my head. “I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to–”
“Mia.” He cut me off and cupped my chin. “This is my job. Protecting you, keeping you safe. Nothing is more important than that. Now sit. Maybe watch some of those videos you like.”
“Okay…” I went over to sit on the end of the bed, but I didn’t touch my phone or anything else. I just watched Soul.
“Where did it all happen?” he asked as he walked over to the window.
“There.” I pointed toward the corner. “That’s where I heard the noise that woke me up. Then everything in my closet started moving. That’s where I was standing when it spoke to me.”
He nodded and moved in that direction. I watched his every move, hoping for some kind of comfort, but none came. I just watched him move around the room. At one point, he stepped into the hallway. I followed him, leaning against my door frame. I didn’t want to be too far from him.
“Do you see anything?” I eventually asked. “Something I can’t see?”