Page 56 of Escape the Reaper
It took effort not to feel irritated as Sean and one of his goons pulled into the parking lot of Show ’n Tail right after we did. The bastard insisted on being at the exchange with the don today and had followed us from Quinn Manor. On the plus side, he still didn't know where I’d stashed the cocaine. Finn and Dean were in charge of transporting that and arrived at Show ’n Tail a few minutes before Asher, Brenna, and me. Unlike the last time we’d done an exchange at Show ’n Tail, I was going to let Brenna come in.
“Sean gives me ick vibes,” Brenna said in a low voice as we climbed out of the Escalade.
“I’m sure every woman who’s met him would agree with you,” I grumbled.
Asher snorted as he held out his hand for me to climb out.
Brenna and Asher walked behind me as I made my way toward the front door, where Dean and Finn were waiting with an extra-large duffel bag in each of their hands. Once I was a few feet from them, Dean nodded his head toward Sean and his goon making their way over. “Are we waiting for them?”
I glanced over my shoulder at Sean to gauge how long it would take for them to catch up and found Sean staring at Brenna again. I glanced back at Brenna. She was already staring at me with an annoyed expression. I arched a brow at her.
“I know,” she said in a low, disgusted voice. She walked ahead of me, muttering, “Nasty Irish bastard.” She opened the door to the club a lot calmer than expected. “Under the Influence” by Chris Brown poured out of the open door. As she held the door open, Brenna gestured for us to walk in. “I vote we don't wait.”
Dean and Finn seemed to agree with her. They picked up the bags and walked in. I followed next, with Brenna and Asher right behind me. The door closed behind us for a few seconds before it was ripped open again and an annoyed Sean walked in.
The club was empty of customers. A few strippers were dancing on one of the stages. Nicoli and Dario were sitting at a table watching as a handful of their goons stood around the room.
The moment Nicoli and Dario noticed that we’d entered, they stood. Having done this exchange many times, Dean and Finn went to Nicoli’s goons, who had our money. Brenna, Asher, and sadly Sean and his enforcer followed me as I made my way over to Nicoli.
“Tequila or whiskey?” was how Nicoli greeted me as he gestured for me to take a seat.
“Whiskey,” I answered as I pulled out a chair.
Nicoli’s brows rose as he scooped up a bottle of expensive whiskey and poured me, Dario, and himself a glass each.
“Bad day or is it due to unwanted company?” he asked as he slid my drink closer to me.
I scooped it up. “I bet you can guess.” As I took a quick sip, my gaze drifted to Dario. “This is the first time you’ve come to an exchange.”
“Maybe he missed us,” Brenna commented as she walked past the table we were sitting at. I caught the sly smirk she gave Dario as she did, and I had to hide my smile by taking another sip. I could tell even Nicoli was fighting not to grin. The mirth in his eyes gave him away.
Dario didn't react to Brenna’s little jab. Instead, he watched her as she got closer to the stage the strippers were dancing on. She watched them with a schooled expression, but I knew she was fascinated.
“Go get her,” I heard Sean say in a low voice behind me before he came closer to our table. “I apologize for Brenna’s rudeness, Nicoli.”
Dario’s head whipped around and he eyed Sean with an unfriendly expression. Nicoli stared at Sean, looking unimpressed. I kept my face emotionless and was about to tear into Sean when Dario abruptly stood from the table, his focus back on Brenna. I looked in that direction just in time to see Sean’s enforcer grab Brenna by her wrist, which she easily yanked free. The way she stared at Sean’s enforcer, I knew she would kill him if he went to touch her again.
“Brenna,” I said just loud enough for her to hear me.
Our eyes locked and I didn’t have to say another word. She walked around Sean’s enforcer and headed back over.
When she was within reach, Sean made the stupid move of grabbing her roughly by the arm. He yanked her to face Nicoli. “Apologize for—”
He didn’t get to finish because Brenna spun on her heel and rammed her elbow right into Sean’s nose. Blood spewed from both of his nostrils. He released Brenna’s arm to cover his nose with both of his hands. Brenna took that opportunity to kick him in the chest, which was impressive because she was in a tight suit and at least four-inch heels. Sean went stumbling backward until he fell into a chair. Brenna reached into her jacket and pulled out a pistol. She took large steps until she was back in front of Sean and she pressed the barrel of her gun to his forehead.
I stood from my chair extra slowly and smoothed away the nonexistent wrinkles on the front of my suit. I wasn’t exactly in a rush to stop her. If she killed him…oh, well. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it.
Before I could fully get to my feet, Sean’s enforcer came up next to Brenna and pointed his gun at her temple. “Drop it,” he ordered.
Nicoli stood and grabbed Dario’s shoulder. “Stay out of it.”
It was then that I saw Dario had his gun in his hand as he stared in Brenna’s direction.
I sighed loudly and unhurriedly walked over to stand at Brenna’s other side. Asher followed closely, his hand inside his suit jacket, ready to draw his weapon.
Sean's eyes flicked to me. “Tell her to stand down or I’ll have Justin shoot her.” With his hands still covering his nose, his voice was muffled and nasally.