Page 57 of Escape the Reaper
I was impressed at how calm Brenna was. The only emotion she showed was a mean little smile.
“Can I kill him?” she asked me.
“That’s a question you need to ask yourself,” I told her. “But don’t pull that trigger unless you know you can.”
Sean put his hands out, revealing ribbons of blood rolling from his nose and dripping off of his chin. “If you shoot me, Brenna, Justin will shoot you. Lower your gun and no one has to get hurt.”
“Such reassuring words,” I said as I walked behind Sean’s chair. “From an evil man.”
Brenna's eyes flicked to me for only a second before returning to Sean.
“Never trust the words of evil men.” I stuffed my hands into my pockets as I continued to walk around the three of them.
“Maura,” Sean growled.
I ignored him. “Do you know what you can trust of evil men?” I asked Brenna as I moved around them. “Their pride and what it will compel them to do. If you stand down right now, what do you think Sean’s pride will compel him to do?” I made a full circle and was back to standing behind Sean’s chair. “You’ve embarrassed him. He will be compelled to make you pay for it. If you lower your weapon, he will have his enforcer drag you outside and they will beat you. Or at worst, they will rape you.”
Brenna’s smile dropped and anger seeped into her beautiful green eyes as she stared down at Sean.
“Don’t get angry,” I instructed. “It will cloud your ability to think clearly. Treat what I’ve just told you as a fact, because that’s what it is. It’s a reality of our world.”
Brenna’s shoulders rose slightly as she took in a deep breath to calm herself.
I nodded once. “You know your enemy. So what are you going to do?”
Brenna didn’t move for what seemed like the longest handful of heartbeats. During that time, silence had blanketed the room. Even the music had been turned off as we waited to see what she would do.
Brenna lowered her gun from Sean’s head slowly until it was pointing to the ground at her side.
Justin seemed to relax, and he moved his gun from her temple slightly as he held his hand out in front of her. “Give me your gun.”
The corner of Brenna’s mouth twitched. With his gun not pressed to her head, Brenna had room to move, and she did. We all saw it coming but Justin.
She dropped to the floor and kicked Justin’s legs out from under him. Crouched on the ground, Brenna aimed her gun at Justin, who went to sit up after landing on his back. He was getting ready to aim his gun at Brenna, but he wasn’t fast enough.
A shot rang out, sparks flared, the strippers on stage screamed and scurried out of the room. Justin let out an embarrassing yelp as his gun fell from his hand. Brenna pushed up to her feet, gun aimed at Justin, who was still on the ground. Sean went to stand, but Brenna quickly turned her gun on him.
“Sit down,” she ordered.
Sean slowly and reluctantly sat.
Brenna walked carefully over to where Justin’s gun had fallen. Without taking her eyes off either man, she squatted and picked it up. Aiming one gun each at Sean and Justin, she looked at me. As we stared at each other, I could see the question in her eyes.
A small smile lifted the corner of my mouth. “If you kill them, it might piss off Stefan. Not to mention there are quite a few witnesses around.” I moved so I wasn’t right behind Sean. Brenna was an amazing shot, but I still didn’t want to risk it. “But I’ll support whatever decision you make.”
She let out an annoyed sigh as if bummed that she wasn’t getting her way. “Get up,” she barked at Sean and Justin. They both got to their feet. As she stared at the two of them, her evil smile came back. “Strip for me.”
Seeing how we were at a strip club, it was fitting.
They didn’t move.
“How pissed-off do you think Stefan will get? Because I think it’ll be worth it to just kill them,” she asked me.
Justin yanked his suit jacket off, then toed off his shoes as he undid his belt.
Sean still didn’t move as his enforcer stripped.
“What’s the matter, Sean?” I asked, unable to stop myself. “Don’t tell me you’re shy?”