Page 108 of Shatterproof
I may hate the man, but when it comes to doing what’s best for keeping Angel Cake protected, we’re typically in agreement.
“Word of free advice about family vacations?” Yi light heartedly proceeds. “Don’t ask your kids where to go. Someone always votes Disney.” Our small chuckles are expelled upon entering her office. “Just wait. You’ll see.” He gives his belt buckle an adjustment. “Assuming you two want kids.”
“We do,” leaves me without hesitation.
Her frame instantly spins so that we’re face to face again. “Do we?!”
“Don’t we?”
“We’ve neverdiscussedthat,” she nervously announces, fingers fiddling with the bright red piano keys themed computer bag I surprised her with last week.
“What?” It’s my turn for bewilderment to burst onto my face “What are you talkin’ about, Angel Cake? We’ve talked about wantin’ kids for years.”
“Yeah, but like separately! We haven’t…done that…together,” she gestures her finger in the space between us, “together.”
“You mean where you know I want you to have mine, and I pray like hell you want me to be the father of yours?”
A bashful grin is instantly offered. “I do want that.”
“There.” My smirk transposes to one of victory. “Talk had.”
Arley’s jaw briefly falls to the ground before she gags, sneers, and resumes strutting to her desk.
Not sure what the problem is here.
She wanted to have a needless talk, so we had it.
End of story.
Details like names, numbers, and nursery decorations can come later.
LikeafterI’ve officially put a ring on her finger, which I will be doing as soon as we can close this assignment.
And that ringiscoming.
There’s no going back to the way things were.
“Didn’t mean to stir up shit,” Yi cautiously apologizes.
Arley offers him a kind smile at the same time she plops down into her chair. “You’re fine.”
“But you won’t be ifanyonecomes in or out of this office while I’m gone.” The command collects his attention. “Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” He respectfully nods. “I will be positioned right outside the door.”
“Directly. In. Front. Of. It.” My face hardens. “You copy?”
“Yes, sir.”
“The assignment shouldn’t take more than a few hours and Angel Cake has already assured me she has plenty of work to keep her right where she’s sittin’.”
“Notactuallyright where I’m sitting,” Arley promptly corrects. “Sometimes I get up. Dance around. It helps me think.” She innocently shrugs. “Process.”
He nods his comprehension. “Understood.”
“Hope you’re a Thirty Seconds to Mars fan becausethatis what I’m vibing to this morning.”