Page 109 of Shatterproof
Yi’s forehead wrinkles in obvious discomfort. “Is that a…song?”
“It’s a boy band,” I reply, beam bright and crooked.
“It is so not a boy band!”
“They’re boys-”
“They’re men!”
“They hold instruments-”
“They play them!”
“Put the two together and what do you have?” Humor continues floating in my tone. “Boy band.”
“You’re standing in my office declaring war, I hope you know that.”
The corner of my lip lifts higher. “Excuse me, Angel Cake, but thesongis actually called ‘This is War’.” My smirk deepens as does her glare. “You should really know that if you’re gonna call yourself a fangirl.”
“Should we start calling you a fanboy becauseyouknow that?”
“I preferattentive boyfriend.”
She giggles, shakes her head, and sighs, “What am I gonna do with you?”
“Kiss me and tell me to stay safe,” I casually command during the short cross over to her, “and in a few hours kiss me hello and say you’re glad that I did?”
“I can do that, Cowboy.”
My frame leans forward for her arms to wind around my neck. “So do that, Angel Cake.”
Our mouths knock into one another’s and on instinct, I curl one hand around the back of her neck to keep her in place. Gentle presses meant to say goodbye don’t take long to turn into heavier pushes to indicate what I want her thinking about while I’m gone. By the time I pull back to rest my forehead against hers, she’s slightly panting.
And shaky.
And so fucking beautiful it sparks an ache in my chest.
“Stay safe, Slater.”
“And you…” my hand slides around to lovingly pinch her chin, “stay sweet, Arley.”
Arley simply nods once prior to planting a chaste kiss on my lips. “Go get ‘em, Cowboy.”
“You have been waitin’ way too long to say that, haven’t ya?”
Snickers are shot my direction on a gentle push away. “Get out of my office.”
With one final sweet smirk, I do the toughest shit I’ve had to do in weeks.
I leave Arley behind for a mission.
Except this time, it’sherlife that hangs in the balance.
Chapter 16
Shutting off the SUV is followed by Reynolds leaning over between the seats. “I’m telling you. Dr. Rothwell may have terrible taste in dudes-”