Page 17 of Shamelessly Loyal
I scanned the room from the sofa to my bed. I cut on a wall switch that turned on the runner lights above. They were low-wattage and kept it dim, but they pressed away the darkness. If she was sleeping, I should probably leave her alone.
The idea of her sleeping though, proved alluring. The food bag was open on the coffee table. All of the sandwiches were gone. I highly doubted she’d eaten all of them, but maybe she put the leftovers in the fridge.
My stomach cramped. I hadn’t eaten at all after I left, nor had I eaten anything in the last several hours. Fine, I’d check on her then grab food and go eat. I could crash somewhere else.
That didn’t sit well, either. I glanced at the sofa again as I locked up. Keeping it quiet, I made it across the room to the bed. She lay on her side, her dark hair all over my pillow and her slim figure tucked beneath the blankets.
My cock jerked at the image even as my lips tingled. Reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face, I curled my fingers into my fist and pulled away without touching her.
Soft fingers feathered over my sore fist, and I jerked my gaze up to find her eyes were open. It was hard to read her expression in the dark, but she stared up at me. Probably wondering what the fuck I was doing.
“Coming to join me?” The sultry words were like a fist on my dick, squeezing until I swore my balls wanted to explode. “I would have waited up if I’d known you were going to come back at three in the morning.”
Was that the time? I didn’t drag my gaze off her to check. The light touch of her hand on mine kept me in place.
Sitting up with a long exhale that half-sounded like a sigh of pleasure, she moved up to her knees and we were almost nose to nose.
“You know…you left before I could really respond to you earlier.” Everything about her appealed to me right now, from the tousle of her hair to how her eyes were half-lidded to the faint pout of her lips. Her voice? Fuck, I could probably come from her voice.
Fuck, this wasn’t why I was here and at the same time? I wanted to know. “What did you want to respond to?”
She let go of my hand to put her light fingers against my chest. The fact sweat was drying on me and I probably didn’t smell all that pleasant registered, but I didn’t back off. Not when she leaned in. Not when her lips hovered dangerously close to mine.
“You kissed me,” she whispered.
Yes, I had. “I did.”
The question didn’t register with what she was asking. “Why what?”
“Why did you kiss me?”
“I don’t…I don’t remember.” Probably not my smoothest line. I knew why I’d fucking kissed her. I’d kissed her ‘cause I’d wanted to shut that gorgeous mouth and I’d wanted to taste her.
“Hmm.” She slid that gentle hand up to my nape, and at her tug, I obeyed the contact, and then her lips sealed against mine. The taste of her was right there, hints of peppermint from toothpaste and maybe some chocolate? Oh, did she find my—
“Do you remember now?” she asked against my lips.
“Yes,” I promised, fighting a losing battle against dragging her to me for another kiss. I wanted to kiss her until we were both drunk with it.
“Good,” she said, then pain exploded through me as she fisted my dick right through the jeans and twisted. I didn’t move, as all the breath left my lungs. “Don’t ever do it again without my invitation. I’m here for Emersyn, not you. If you want to drive me out of here, you’ll need much better material, Pretty Boy.”
With that, she released me and settled back on the bed, before drawing the covers up.
“Do turn out the lights when you catch your breath.”
What the fuck just happened?
Three days. I’d been a prisoner for three days. Well, prisoner might be too strong a word. Then again, what else did you call it when you were locked in a room? Milo brought food, water, and coffee. He kept his little fridge stocked.
He’d even brought in yogurt, which amused me for some reason. Yes, I ate yogurt. However, he’d chosen a particularly expensive Greek brand, adding granola and fresh fruit so I could mix it in if I chose. That, and he never slept in the room. I’d actually started to wonder if he was sleeping at all.
Then I forced indifference. If he wasn’t sleeping, not my problem. I didn’t ask to be locked in this room. As it was, I had my phone and my gun.