Page 4 of Jinx
“Oh hell no!” her little face scrunches up in a frown as those eyes snap more blue fire at me. “I don’t belong to anyone. Especially not some egotistical, self-centered asshole who can’t take his head out of his ass long enough to make up his mind about what he wants. You can just fuck right off, Mr. Indecisive.”
She goes around me and starts heading for her door but I step back in front of her to stop her from leaving.
“Move.” She says it very softly but firmly without a hint of fear or a sense of wavering.
“There is only one way this is going to go sweet girl.”
She takes a step back and readjusts her towel making sure it is knotted tightly. And then goes for the door again. This time I don’t just step in the way but prepare to lift her off the ground if I have to. She surprises me by throwing a punch instead of trying to make a run for it. I barely dodge the first one and automatically block the second one. I have her wrist in my hand and consciously make adjustments, so I don’t hurt her. I jerk her off-kilter and spin her, so she is in my arms. She tries to headbutt me, but I hold her too close to me for her to get any good momentum. She reaches behind her to try to grab my hair. At least I think it’s my hair she’s trying to grab but with someone like Jinx, she could be trying to rip my ears off.
She gets a handful before she gives it a good yank like she’s jerking on the strings of my heart. God, I love this girl.
“If you’re going to pull my hair, at least buy me dinner first, sweet girl,” I whisper in her ear but don’t pull back fast enough. She clips me in the chin causing me to drop her. She uses the momentum to push me out of the way so she can run around me. She doesn’t get far, barely making it to the stairs before I have her back up in my arms.
She goes slack and slips down the front of me trying to outmaneuver me. We end up grappling with one another doing some sort of violent dance that gets me hard as fuck. This…this woman is every bit my match. She’s thrown off balance and teeters on the edge of the top stair and instead of being worried about falling down and breaking her neck, she’s still giving me attitude. The moment I meet her eyes it’s not fear I see in them, but defiance. She’d fall down them just to spite me. I take a second to give her a cocky grin that I'm certain is going to piss her off and reach out to grab her towel and spin her to safety swiftly.
Unfortunately, the towel is a casualty and is gone.
She runs from me back to her room. I follow at a slower pace and find her trying to shut the bathroom door. I push against it and wrap my hand around her wrist so I can pull her from the room. Instead of covering herself, she stands in front of me clothed in nothing but defiance and stubbornness, her hands on her hips. She might want to cover up but she would never admit it.
“So what? We’re just going to stand here playing with one another until my mom and dad come home and my dad kills you…for me.”
I can’t help but laugh at her which only inflames the fires of her rage even more. Meanwhile, I am enjoying the view. Soft as fuck skin, curves for days, eyes that snap fire, and the cute as fuck up-turned nose with the tiniest nose ring in it, she’s perfect. It’s like she’s my own personal gift from God fallen from heaven. Only I’m not on that good of terms with the Man Upstairs.
Hell, even her toes are cute as fuck. I take her in, all of her, from her stubborn chin to the tips of those raspberry-pink nipples, down to her trim little strip of brownish-blonde curls that hover just above the top of her pussy. And I have to look away from the pure temptation of it all.
“Not this time, sweetheart.”
“What?” Her light brown brows draw together in a frown as she tries to make out the meaning behind my words.
I move fast, faster than before. The dawning knowledge lights in her eyes that I was just playing with her before - not giving her the full demon she summoned but rather just a taste of the darkness. The needle is going in long before she even realizes what I am doing. I catch her as her legs give out from under her.
“You are such a spoiled little thing…I love it!”
Her eyes fall shut as I nuzzle into her neck and drag in the sweet scent of her. I pull back to look at the treasure I have in my arms.
“Beautiful.” Even that fails to truly describe Jinx.
I cup her breast in my hand as I fight the urges coursing through me. The urge to take her nipple in my mouth, to take my hand and run it lower so I can feel how god damned soft she is, the overriding need to take her - right here in her childhood room. Instead, I lay her on the bed on her stomach. Not that it helps since that just has my eyes drawn like fucking magnets to her sweet as fuck ass.
I work quickly shoving her arms into one of my own shirts and getting down to packing some of her stuff laying around the room, things I think she’ll need. I don’t have too much time and the foreplay took more of it than I thought it would. Thankfully, I’m damned quick on my feet and excel at adapting my plans for the spur-of-the-moment changes such as these.
Chapter Four
I open my eyes slowly but I remember everything. That fucker tranqed me again. It takes me longer to realize I’m lying by a pool. Still naked. On a lounge chair under an umbrella. I raise my head to look around but I can’t figure out where I am. Damn it, this is not how I want to wake up. It might suck even worse than waking up in my room at the clubhouse.
Though I’m very certain that I’m by myself, that doesn’t mean I’m not just as fucked as I would be if I woke up surrounded by a bunch of people. A small handtowel and a drink with partially melted ice occupy a wicker table nearby. Small as it may be, it will at least give me the illusion of being covered.
I rise and head to the house cautiously. Did he sell me or some shit? Is this like some sort of initiation thing? The men from before wanted to sell me so it’s not a far leap to think someone like Fury would do it. I slowly place my hand on the door to see if it’s unlocked. It opens easily and I step into a light and airy kitchen that is surprisingly homey for slavers.
I spot something that makes me feel even better than the hand towel…a butcher block full of knives. I grab the largest one and think about carting the rest around with me just for good measure. I’m not about to make it easy for these fuckers. Not at all.
I hear something to my right and turn my head quickly while I keep walking forward. And walk right into a wall. The Wall.