Page 5 of Jinx
It would be a fitting nickname for him. I yelp and step back expecting Fury to try to take the knife away from me but he acts like it’s not even there.
“My apologies. I thought my phone conversation would be over before you woke but instead, it went a little longer than I expected.”
This man…I must still be under the influence of whatever the hell he gave me. This man doesn’t look like the one who broke into my parents’ house and fought with me. He doesn’t look like the same man who caused the coroner to pick up so many bodies just days ago. He has tiny wire glasses perched on his nose and looks more like a professor than a badass biker assassin. Don’t get me wrong, he still looks impressively large but not like he’s going to eat small children for breakfast.
“Where the hell am I?” I hate it. It’s like a lie. The whole image is nothing but a lie. “Why am I here?”
“This is one of my homes. The one I like the most…well, except for the one on the island but I figured you would want to stay a little closer to home to start with.”
To start with? What the hell does that mean?
“You are going to sell me then?”
His brows raise and he quietly takes his glasses off and puts them on the counter. “I…don’t share what’s mine.”
Well that doesn’t tell me shit.
“So what? You’re going to charge me rent before you sell me?” A thought flashes through my mind. “You want to be my pimp. Fuck off buddy. It’s not…”
“You misunderstand, angel.” There is something in his eyes…an unidentifiable glint that’s worrisome. “You. Belong. To. Me.”
He moves quickly, taking the knife out of my hand. One minute it’s there clutched tightly and the next…gone.
“Any person that tries to so much as touch you has automatically forfeited their life - man or woman.”
“I don’t belong to you.”
“Oh, but you do.”
I raise my chin in defiance, “You didn’t…” I stutter on the cold, hard truth. It still hurts that he didn’t want me. “You had your chance and you left me.”
“I was giving you a chance to say goodbye.”
My eyes widen and my heart stutters, tripping over what he might be saying. “What?”
“You heard me - I put you back so you would have time to say goodbye. To make peace with the fact you belong to me. I needed the time to come to terms with it too. But it’s an unbreakable truth…you are mine. And neither one of us can fight it.”
“You...,” for the first time my bravery fails, “you’re going to take me away from my family.”
He didn’t say it and I pray he will tell me I’m being foolish and overly dramatic. I desperately want him to tell me I’m just being silly but he isn’t saying a word. All that keeps running through my mind is the little niece or nephew that I will never get to see if I choose Fury, all the new members of the Sons of Chaos that I won’t be there to greet, all the girls who I’ve grown close to, that are like sisters to me - Dolly, Nori…fucking Lori who jumped in front of a bullet for me for fuck’s sake.
The thought of losing all of them causes tears to form in my eyes and trickle down my cheeks. I quickly -and angrily - wipe them away. He steps forward and this time I back away from him.
“You can’t…you...,” god damn it! This stinks! “This is not how it’s supposed to be. I shouldn’t have to pick between you and my family.”
None of the other girls had to choose one over the other. Dolly, whose real name is Pru, didn’t have much of a family to choose between but Nori, the girl who married my brother, still very much talks to her family. Hell, her sister is dating one of the other members. And Lori. She still talks to her mom and dad…and they’re pieces of shit who tried to sell her to keep themselves safe. So why should I have to? Why should I have to pick between the man I could grow to love and the love I have for my family?
“I can’t! I can’t be with someone who wants to take me away from my family!” I let the pent-up breath I had been holding inside out, sure of my decision.
“No! We’ll…” I think fast and then raise my chin in a way that if he asked Pyro, he would tell him I’m not about to budge. Not one bit. “We’ll have sex then you can take me back.”
“Excuse me!” His brows rise even higher than before and he looks at me like I couldn’t have surprised him more.
“You heard me.” I parrot his own words back to him. “We’ll have sex, enjoy each other, then you can take me back home to my family. Don’t act so shocked!”
What gives him the right to look so shocked? Isn’t this what most guys would love to hear? But he doesn’t say a word and instead continues to stand there flabbergasted.
“I’m attracted to you. You seem to be attracted to me. Sex is… Well, I think it will be fun with you so I’m down for it.”