Page 6 of Jinx
He takes a step towards me and another until he’s backing me up step by step. “Let me get this straight -you’re willing to have sex with me.” I give him a nod. “But refuse to stay with me.”
He gets another nod.
“Because you won’t leave your family behind.”
“Yes, that’s correct.” I don’t have to wait long for his answer.
“No? Why not?” He’s turning me down again. It’s not like I’ve offered this deal to everyone I meet. This is a very special one-time offer and he’s telling me no.
“You don’t give a man like me the gift of your body and just walk away.”
The way he says it makes me think he’s pissed about my offer but I just stand firm and raise my chin again. If he doesn’t want what I have to offer then he needs to find someone else to kidnap.
“Then clearly we’re at an impasse. I won’t leave my family - my mom, my dad, my brother, his wife and my friend, their kids - present and future. I won’t leave them.”
He spins away from me mad as hell. He can just be mad for all I care. His anger doesn’t scare me nearly as much as the thought of never seeing those I love again. He spins back around to take a look at me before picking up a paperweight from a nearby desk and tossing it at the wall. Nowhere near me.
“Come on, let’s get this over with so I can be back before everyone starts worrying about me too much. Worrying isn’t good for the babies. All three of our newbies are knocked up, you know. All three, married and happy and I won’t be missing a moment.”
He just gives me a look of mixed confusion, shock, and anger before turning away from me and storming from the room.
Well, shit! What do I do now?
Chapter Five
I had to take her back. I can’t god damned believe that I had to take her back. Pulling up to the club with her on the back of my bike isn’t winning me any awards with any of the members either. The only reason the rough and shaggy bastard at the gate lets me through is because Jinx gives him a brilliant smile and tells him to call and tell Odin we’re here.
This is the last thing I want, the last place I want to be. I took her so I could keep her with me now I’m going to have to fight a whole fucking motorcycle club to keep her from being taken away from me. Not that a woman like Jinx isn’t worth it. I'd fight all of Hell for a chance to keep her.
We’re led into a meeting room where Odin, the president of the MC, is sitting at the head of a conference table with a small red-headed woman resting on his lap. I remember her. She took a bullet meant for Jinx. She has my respect and my highest regard. Odin has it by proxy. Until he does something to piss me off and take that regard away.
The little redhead pops up and comes rushing over to my girl, pulling her close to her in a hug. Both girls take a step back and look one another up and down before asking each other how the other is doing.
I turn my attention back to Odin who hasn’t taken his eyes from me. “Fury.”
I'm aware of who he is. He has a reputation among most of the MCs. They say he’s a fair man and guides his club with wisdom and compassion…until you cross him or his people.
“This is not going to go well for you.” It’s not a threat. Men like Odin don’t make threats…we make promises.
“And yet here I am.”
I need him to understand I’m not afraid to blow up his club or leave a trail of dead bodies behind me to keep what belongs to me.
“She’s loved by everyone here. It’s not going to be easy.”
“She’s worth it.”
I notice Jinx stops talking and is watching me after I said she’s worth it. I meet her gaze and tell her with my eyes that what I say I mean. My new goal is getting Jinx to fall in love with me enough that she’ll want to go with me wherever I go. Her mentioning the knocked-up members of the club got me thinking about a way I could have Jinx how I want her. A guaranteed trap that will entwine her with me for the rest of our lives. I just have to keep her with me long enough to seduce her into loving me.