Page 7 of Jinx
Before I can say anything else the door to the room is swinging open and a pissed-off male version of my angel is baring down on me with hell in his eyes. Even though I see the punch coming I don’t try to stop it or step out of the way. And the guy has a hell of a punch. He hits me and knocks me back on my ass. Jinx comes running…not to her brother. To me.
“Pyro! You fucking jerk! You need to calm down instead of coming in and acting like an ass.”
I stand up and the brother hits me again. I can tell Jinx is livid. I’ve seen her pissed - mostly at me - but never like this. This time I don’t go down even if I don’t put up a fight. The man comes at me again but Jinx steps in front of us.
“Pyro…god damn it!”
In the blink of an eye, I have her behind me and have Pyro over the table with his arm behind his back so he can’t move. I lean over him so I can make sure he can listen very carefully to what I have to say and there won’t be any misunderstanding about what I am about to tell him.
“I don’t care if you have to hit me until you can’t raise your arm anymore but you will not hurt her. Now control yourself before I have to do something that will make my angel very unhappy with me.”
We both look over at where Jinx is standing, still pissed as hell. She throws her hands up in the air and lets out a loud huff that has the room falling into silence. “I’m going to my room. The two of you suck!”
She storms out but is stopped in the doorway by an older man and woman. The older man is acting a lot like Pyro who I have let up since he’s no longer a threat to Jinx. I can offer a healthy guess that this is Jinx’s mom and dad. The man comes off all growly and mad causing Jinx to let out an angry grunt and roll her eyes again. Instead of stopping she throws her hands back up in the air and keeps on going.
It takes me a little longer than I wanted it to but I finally make it upstairs to her room. The two men related to her downstairs wouldn’t tell me where she went but her mother and Lori took pity on me and told me which room was hers. It wouldn’t have mattered even if they hadn’t told me. I would have gone through the entire club opening doors and tearing down walls until I found her.
I drop a duffle bag full of my clothes down on the floor right by the door and look around the small room with a bed, a television, and a small desk taking up most of the space. Even though there’s not a lot of room she still has a bookshelf crammed full of paperbacks that look like romance novels but upon closer inspection, I see a healthy smattering of true crime novels mixed in.
I walk around the room, picking things up here and there so I can immerse myself in Jinx’s world. I’m not worried about where Jinx is at all since I hear the shower running and her quietly humming a pop tune slightly out of key, so I take my time exploring her room, taking in her scent. Prolonging the inevitable until I can’t wait any longer.
Only then do I go to the door, slightly ajar, leading to the bathroom. I slowly push it open further and take in the steam and heat of the room, the scent of heaven floating out of the mist, and the sight of an angel clothed in only waterdrops and steam. My heart stutters before starting again double time.
The angel in front of me finishes rinsing the suds from her long golden hair like she doesn’t have a care in the world. Her eyes are closed, her head tipped back and her voice carries on a hum as she forgets the words to the song she’s singing so she starts back over from the chorus. She’s god damned perfect.
I open the shower door and finally, she opens her eyes and looks at me. She doesn’t jump or cross her hands over her body in a maidenly attempt to hide herself from me. Instead, a smile touches the corners of her lips and she meets me stare for stare.
“What took you so long?”
I step into the shower, fully clothed. “I had to keep the men in your family from trying to kill me.”
“Hm, I would have thought you could handle them quicker than that.” The minx.
“I would have if I had been killing them.”
The flirty look leaves her face to be replaced by an overly serious glare, “Fury, you better not have hurt my family or so help me…,”
I silence her the only way I know how to…with my mouth. My mouth lands on hers and she willingly opens for me. Our tongues duel with one another as I pull her naked, soaked body into my clothed one. She soaks into me in more ways than one, kissing Jinx is an immersive game I could play for the rest of my life. Taking in the flavor of her sweet mouth, the parring of our tongues around each other excites me on a level I’ve never felt before.
I wrap my arms around her body while she wraps hers around my neck and for long moments neither one of us is concerned with anything outside the warm little bubble we’ve made for each other. Then our mouths break from one another and I start kissing down the slender column of her neck. She drops her head back so I can reach it better as she makes pleased little sounds deep in her throat.
I trail my lips down to the tops of her shoulders but she stops me, pushing me back against the wall. Her fingers play with the edge of my tee shirt before she runs her hands up under it and rakes her nails down my abs. She wrestles my shirt over my head before going back to my mouth. But her body…her body does more. It starts with a slight brush of skin against my skin but turns into a teasing dance she does where her nipples glide across my lower stomach and has my balls cinching tightly against my body.
“It’s only fair that I get to see you since you’ve clearly seen me on more than one occasion. How do I know if I’ll like what I’m getting?”
Jinx isn’t a wilting flower, she’s not a shy girl and she’s sure of what she wants. This woman wants me. And I want to give her all of me. Her nails rake over a long-healed bullet wound and then dance over a knife wound scar. None of it stops her from putting her mouth back on mine and playing tag with my tongue.
I let her explore until I can’t take the sweet, questing caresses and the hot-as-sin kisses another minute longer. Without even thinking about it, I’ve hit my knees and have her leg up over my shoulder before she can tell me yes or no. We’re not strangers that just met days ago. I know this woman, I know what she’s like, how she handles herself. I understand her on a level that I’m not sure she even understands herself. I say it not as an egotistical brag or an overbearing male pig. I understand her because I’m looking, I’m listening to every word, every small thing she does that she doesn’t realize she’s doing. I know because I’m watching her.
So I know how she is going to take me being all pushy and assertive. And she doesn’t disappoint. She places her palm on my forehead to slow me down while staring me right in the eyes. We maintain eye contact the entire time as I lean in closer and closer. My tongue comes out to take my first lick of her sweetness while I watch as her eyes darken with passion and promise.
And with the first taste…I’m addicted. I push against her palm so I can lick up more causing her to gasp out. She sags against the wall, and I run my hands up the back of her legs and under her ass so I can help her continue to stand without any fear of her falling. This time when she puts her hands on me, it’s not to stop me but to pull me closer.
Chapter Six